Total posts: 2
15 Oct 2019 16:33

Hi all, I am looking to show all items from 2 different sections in one page/menu item. How is it possible? I don't want to use a module as the module will still show when you are on the individual record view as modules can only be assigned to menus.

appreciate your help


Last Modified: 24 Nov 2019

Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
15 Oct 2019 16:37

Not possible to display 2 different sections in one menu item.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
19 Oct 2019 03:07

If you set your section to allow multiple TYPES for submission, the SECTION will display records from multiple TYPES. To do so, just mark several TYPES in the SUBMIT TYPE parameter in the SECTION settings.

It has a performance impact when using it with a large number of records.

Total posts: 2
22 Oct 2019 16:22

Ok, Can I move a category(along with all the items in it) from one section to another section? I don't want to loose the items on it though. http://www.rahkarenovin.com/
http://www.rahkarenovin.net/ https://www.triptoday.ir/

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
24 Oct 2019 12:14

As far as i know, there is no automated way to do it. You can try create a new category in SECTION 1, then add the TYPE of SECTION 2 to SECTION 1 as described above and manually assign the new category to the records (edit record). I did not try this method, but it should work.

If there are a lot of records to move, a SQL query might be the way to go.

Total posts: 13,748
29 Oct 2019 05:29

Ok, Can I move a category(along with all the items in it) from one section to another section?

That it is not posible. Even create a tool that would do something like this is very complicated. Section is a root for every record in DB.

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