clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
10 Apr 2012 06:40

hello is it possible to add france, usa, ect zipdatabase to geo field please ?

thank you

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Total posts: 13,748
10 Apr 2012 14:15

That is why we use new approach. Zip DB is hard to maintain. Not full. New method works everywhere. You place marker and set radius. Even in Africa where you hardly can find any zip at all.

We do not plan to use those zip DBs in geo field.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
18 Apr 2012 04:56

Is it possible for visiters to use distance search on Gmap template (list-view) ?

Total posts: 13,748
18 Apr 2012 09:30

This is how it works.

In fact geo field is distributed with gmap template. And filter applys to any teplate unless you mean ajax marker change.

This may be feature request for next geo field version.

22 Apr 2012 02:25

you should have zip database only for city and zip fields, not for search but like autocomplete

Total posts: 13,748
23 Apr 2012 04:08

you should have zip database only for city and zip fields, not for search but like autocomplete

Yes, we will later add this. We will add Cities, states and countries DB to Address field to autocomplete while typing.

There are some problems hard to solve.

If we make dopdowns then they may miss some city or state.

If we make autocomplete people may even try to enter on the language we do not have.

So right now we do not have clean concept of how to utilize zip, states, cities DB in to address field.

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
25 Apr 2012 04:37
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