Just noticed that DB tables have still the "JoomSuite Resources" naming scheme. Why is this?
Since Joomla.org "rules and dictates" naming conventions for extensions, companies etc. ;-) ... and MintJoomla Cobalt is a rewrite... shouldn´t it have a more suitable naming as well?
i.e. mj_cob_xxxxxx
What about a Resources Migration from the same DB? Different names would not collide... No extra fiddling with a second DB or moving tables around.
Just noticed that DB tables have still the "JoomSuite Resources" naming scheme. Why is this?
Since Joomla.org "rules and dictates" naming conventions for extensions, companies etc. ;-) ... and MintJoomla Cobalt is a rewrite... shouldn´t it have a more suitable naming as well?
i.e. mj_cob_xxxxxx
What about a Resources Migration from the same DB? Different names would not collide... No extra fiddling with a second DB or moving tables around.