pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
08 May 2013 20:20

Initial Topic Question

Does the module care about purchased or downloaded items? Or is it technically a total different story? My application would need to show users that already bought/downloaded the currently viewed item.

EDIT: Ideas after testing the module...

Current limitation - no options

Participation = Hits?

Please, hence the name of the module! The module name "Participants" implies all sorts of participation. Those includes ALL user tasks and actions. IMHO, you can´t call it "Participants", when it just takes "Hits" into account. Not to mention it is a commercial module ;)

There is no further differentiation about the type? It's useful to choose what type of participation has occurred. i.e. viewed; bookmarked; favourited; downloaded; commented. Similar to parameters in User Statistics module.

Suggestions & ideas

I think one can define the module name in two logical ways. Participants could be...

1. active, a contribution or action that changed the article or added something to it:
i.e. edited, modified, commented, add child/review

2. passive, an action with no direct impact on the actual content:
i.e. read, favorited, rated, bookmarked, downloaded a file

Just wanted to point out, that the module has no option to focus on a certain type of participation. Currently it is all or nothing. It should have the options to exclude one or the other criteria.

BTW, you suggested to make module copies and modify the respective SQL query in code... Which is unacceptable, IMHO. This should be options like toggles for each criteria... or at least "Alternative layouts".

Related idea: Show users instead of records would be a nice option for the Records field, too? Seems to fit into the pre-defined SQL queries! It fits also in the article full view context.

Last Modified: 20 Apr 2017

Total posts: 13,748
09 May 2013 05:30

This module based on hits. If user even read article he is participant. This means no matter if he download or do anything else. he cannot do it without opening full view article.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
09 May 2013 05:44

he cannot do it without opening full view article.

sorry, what do mean?

I wonder, if we can display users that have purchased/downloaded the current article. I mean... user 1, 3, 25, 18, 100 has also purchased the current article.

Total posts: 13,748
09 May 2013 06:29

I wonder, if we can display users that have purchased/downloaded the current article. I mean... user 1, 3, 25, 18, 100 has also purchased the current article.

Of course we can if we create new module :)

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
16 May 2013 10:41

I think its also an option for the records field. At least for me it looks like a pre-defined SQLquery.

Maybe better for Records Field?!

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
22 Jun 2013 22:26

If user even read article he is participant.

Reading is no real participation, IMHO ?! There is no further differentiation about the type? It's useful to choose what type of participation has occurred. i.e. viewed; bookmarked; favourited; downloaded; commented. Similar to parameters in User Statistics module.

BTW, User Statistics module has parameters for Hits and Readers. What's the difference?

Total posts: 13,748
24 Jun 2013 00:30

User Statistics module has parameters for Hits and Readers. What's the difference?

Almost no difference.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
24 Jun 2013 08:44

There is no further differentiation about the type? It's useful to choose what type of participation has occurred. i.e. viewed; bookmarked; favourited; downloaded; commented. Similar to parameters in User Statistics module.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
25 Jun 2013 09:27

Copied from a related Discussion... because it turned out to be a feature request and idea.

It is true. But now it uses single query from hits table. Very quick. If we start querying bookmarks, follow, comments, ... that might take more resources.

So my suggestion is the same. Make module copy and change query. This way you will be able to create most accurate query.

o.k. I found the SQL you mentioned. But HENCE the name of the module! Not to mention it is a PAID module. The module name "Participants" implies all sorts of participation. Those includes ALL user tasks and actions. IMHO, you can´t call it Participants, when it just takes "Hits" into account.

Total posts: 13,748
25 Jun 2013 09:58

IMHO, you can´t call it Participants, when it just takes "Hits" into account.

Partially agree. But in fact if you consider readers a participant it is correct. Because all other like commentes, followers, bookmarkers and so on had mad at least one hit on this article. I do not need to separate them into groups just get total number.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
25 Jun 2013 17:55

BTW, I think one can define the module name in two logical ways. Participants could be...

1. active, a contribution or action that changed the article or added something to it:

i.e. commented, add child/review

2. passive, an action that does not have an impact on the actual content:

i.e. read, favorited, rated, bookmarked, downloaded a file.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
29 Oct 2013 12:33

Edited/Updated initial post, because of valuable infos and conclusions in the comments. Also re-formatted the text because of move to Cobalt powered forum.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
30 May 2014 13:07

pepperstreet BTW, I think one can define the module name in 2 logical ways. Participants could be...

1. active, a contribution or action that changed the article or added something to it:

i.e. commented, add child/review

2. passive, an action that does not have an impact on the actual content:

i.e. read, favorited, rated, bookmarked, downloaded a file.

Bumping my own topic to get more attention and followers ;-)

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
30 May 2014 14:06

yes interesting

Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
04 Jun 2014 06:26


pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
17 Sep 2014 23:56

Maybe I/we can get an "Accepted" topic status for Cobalt 9 ? ;)

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
20 Apr 2017 15:52

Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
20 Apr 2017 18:32

Thats good, but it there any step forward in Cobalt 9 development?

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