andiamine VIP
Total posts: 295
14 Aug 2012 11:55

We discuss here about how we can add this feature in Forum Pack

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Total posts: 13,748
14 Aug 2012 21:02

I could even вщ a splitting. Click "split" on any comment and I convert comment into article. But

  1. What to do with other comments? move them to new article? or leave them there? Because you do not know which one is related new topic and which is related to old topic. So you have to be able manually move comments to new topic.

  2. Merge I cannot imagine at all. For example there are 2 topics A and B, I merge topic A into B. What happen? Article A become a comment of И oк text of both articles combined? Who is author now?

And many many questions like that.

Total posts: 13,748
16 Aug 2012 00:12

2 - A and B combined in one record ! , and we can see both authors in record.

Almost impossible in Cobalt.

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