GillianT VIP
Total posts: 16
12 Jun 2018 10:27


I would like to know which is the command to justify text using cobalt. I add text but looks that justify html code is not accepted. How can I solve this?

Last Modified: 11 Jul 2018

Giorgi625 VIP
Total posts: 655
12 Jun 2018 11:30

Do you use textarea field or html field?

If textarea, you need to add custom css style for this.

If HTML, editor which you use should have justify icon, if it does not, again use custom css style.

GillianT VIP
Total posts: 16
13 Jun 2018 12:41

Giorgi625 Do you use textarea field or html field?

If textarea, you need to add custom css style for this.

If HTML, editor which you use should have justify icon, if it does not, again use custom css style.

Thanks for the answer. I use this: !/cde43c4862

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
13 Jun 2018 19:03

GillianT I use this: !/cde43c4862


The toolbar looks really strange and messed up.
Which editor is it?
Looks like a CSS or JS conflict.

GillianT VIP
Total posts: 16
18 Jun 2018 08:27


GillianT I use this: !/cde43c4862


The toolbar looks really strange and messed up.

Which editor is it?

Looks like a CSS or JS conflict.

I'd say it is a css.....also I have another big problem. I can not add url images...which is also strange, look at the capture: !/8ec9bb2d89

How can I insert an image without getting in trouble?

GillianT VIP
Total posts: 16
18 Jun 2018 08:36

Sorry the last capture is wrong. Hope this one helps: !/16b14c0d35

When I try to insert an image and save the article it says that I am using uncorrect html tags. I do not understand because I insert the image from the css editor... Any idea?

GillianT VIP
Total posts: 16
18 Jun 2018 08:37

GillianT Sorry the last capture is wrong. Hope this one helps: !/16b14c0d35

When I try to insert an image and save the article it says that I am using uncorrect html tags. I do not understand because I insert the image from the css editor... Any idea? Sorry forgot to say you have to copy and paste the screenshot link in your browser as I do not know why it does not work otherwise.

Total posts: 13,748
25 Jun 2018 06:21

Just upload image using this eувшещкюthere is a button below "Click here to upload....."

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
30 Jun 2018 14:58

Screenshot seem to be deleted.

Total posts: 13,748
04 Jul 2018 12:38


Check screenshot.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
04 Jul 2018 15:15

Sergey Check screenshot.


Total posts: 13,748
05 Jul 2018 04:12


Sergey Check screenshot.


Yes you wrote

pepperstreet Screenshot seem to be deleted.

Itested and it is not deleted.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
06 Jul 2018 14:46

Sergey Yes you wrote

I am not a JavaScript guru ;) :D
All I can see is a "JSN framework" related error. Might it be the cause?

Total posts: 13,748
11 Jul 2018 07:16

NO, do not look at content of the screenshot. It is a rendom image I've uploaded. Look at the fact that I was able to upload screenshot. Because you wrote

pepperstreet Screenshot seem to be deleted.

I'd shown that I can upload a screenshot and it is not deletd.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
11 Jul 2018 23:49

Sergey I'd shown that I can upload a screenshot and it is not deletd.

Haha, silly me. Now I got it. ;) But I was talking about the last screenshot on the external service :D screenshot_missing

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