Nathy78 VIP
Total posts: 9
24 Jan 2017 20:11


I've just bought Emerald 10 today and installed it on my website.

My website is divided in three parts :

1/ A blog with regaular publications 2/ An Agenda for events coming 3/ A shop with different products

The shopping process is double : - first, people can buy an Emerald subscription and register for an event in the "Agenda" menu - then, people can buy different categories of products in the "Boutique" menu

I use Hikashop to manage my events and my products, and my payment process too.

My problem is the one following...

I have created 5 emerald plans :

1 : one in order to give access to my joomla's content (publications) ; Duration one month renewable each month 2-5 : the other ones to allow people to register to my events ; Duration from 3 months to 1 year renewable as often as needed.

Some people could be interested to buy a plan (to intend an event or to access to an article) and during the same time, buy something in my shop. That's why I want them to arrive on my Hikashop cart to pay then their order. But I cannot see this option in Emerald configuration.

Could you help me to make it work in that way ?

You can have a look on my website to understand my need :

Last Modified: 01 Feb 2017

Total posts: 13,748
01 Feb 2017 15:11

You can sell lsubscription through hickashop. For example you sell something there and at the same time this product will give user a sunscription. Or hikashop product only give a subscription.

I mean it will work is subscription is upsell of hikashop but not vice versa.

For that you install hikashop action. Then when you create plan, use that action to assosiate it with hikashop product. Whenever that product will be purchased, user wil get this subscription.

Thus way you can even create product that will give user different subscirpion plans. But in this case recurring payments will no longer work. users wil have to update subscription manually every month or so.

It is really a compromize. Both sides have its pros and cons.

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