Judah Raine
Total posts: 332
12 Nov 2012 10:17

Again, I feel really stupid. I do not want my list of articles to show on the section page (It's a long list, and don't want to display some author names and not others, politics you know). Anyhow, I've set it up so that we can use alphabetical list, and also search. the one significant field is genre, which is fine, that is showing in the advanced list. But I cannot get the search box to search the title of the articles, which in this case is the main criteria, the author name.

I've looked through everything I can think of and only found this on the section paramaters:

But when I try a search, e.g. using an author name, it tells me nothing found. Also "Title" does not appear in the drop down filter.

I cannot use author, as many of the girls use pseudonyms so their user name is very different to the name they write under.

I keep thinking I've missed something vital and so simple, but cannot seem to find it, having looked through type, section, and even each and every template selection :(

thanks - I do appreciate your help and patience

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
12 Nov 2012 14:39

The section parameter "Fulltext Search" applies to the search input box.

All options like Author name, Email, Title are related to this search input box.

That means, "Title", "Author" or "Email" do never appear in the drop-down advanced search area. It will be searched by the main search input field only.

Not sure how "automatic" mode is working, or how it does toggle automatically. Did you try one of the other options. %LIKE% would give you the most results... because it lists results where your search term is "included" i.e. it would find "Thisisjudahintheterm" or "judahatthebeginning" or "thelastoneisjudah". The other option would only show exact matches. And I think LIKE will need more time and performance.

( @Sergey and Sackgesicht: Please correct me if I am wrong! )

Regarding Author name.

You can also filter by "Author" in adv. search. This depends on your filters template parameters! The filter mode can be auto-complete/checkboxes/select.

In Section parameter "Personalization", you can switch between loginName and Realname. Not sure if this is just a display type or if it has an impact on searches...

**My quick test with Author and Real Name seems to be negative. A bug?

**I have 3 test users with pre- and surname. And a test user with just a prename "Sergey". Sergey was never found by the fulltext search input field. No matter which mode. I thought it has something to do with the missing surname. But i added "Mintjoomla" as surname. No sucess or a difference?!? Funny, but my older 3 test users work fine. They are displayed in the results when I search for pre OR surname, also partly searches work fine. Any clues?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
12 Nov 2012 21:36

...And a test user with just a prename "Sergey". Sergey was never found by the fulltext search input field. No matter which mode. I thought it has something to do with the missing surname. But i added "Mintjoomla" as surname. No sucess or a difference?!? Funny, but my older 3 test users work fine. They are displayed in the results when I search for pre OR surname, also partly searches work fine. Any clues?

Maybe my search issue is a different one than "judah's". Or it may have another cause. I remember, I used the Cobalt Tools and changed one user's entries to another ones ID. The previous user should be deleted. The tool said everything is o.k. and the sample articles and demo users seem to be fine, too. But now, I get a message on section1 list, that the previously removed user with ID47 can´t be found. Strange. I will do some more tests later tomorrow.

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
12 Nov 2012 21:55


the search box will check all fields marked as "Searchable" and the title of articles, belonging to the section.

The search here works quite well and i can only think, that you might be confused about your fields, the title and what is affected by the search box.

Please double check if the content you are searching for is really part of the "TITLE".


One important thing to know about the search field is the way it handles the fields

If you have already some articles in your database and decide to use now one of the fields as searchable, you have to reindex the section through the backend-->tools--->Reindex tool to ensure that all data is available for the search field.

Judah Raine
Total posts: 332
12 Nov 2012 22:25

Our site works slightly differently to the norm, so I should perhaps clarify :D

The "author" parameter is essentially "redundant" inasmuch as it has no relevance at all to my definition of author. e.g. My author is essentially defined as "book writer" - her real name may be Jane Smith, her user name Janey, but her author name is Anne Author. The articles she submits to the site are essentially "author information" e.g. profile, books, links, etc. and so do not require the enabling of the cobalt "author" parameter.

In many of the above instances the author, i.e. Book Author, is used as a separate field, so there is no problem at all with the searching. In this instance, however, (profile) it's a little silly to have the title of the article as the author name (Anne Author) which I need as the relevant identifier in the list module and then have this duplicated as a field.

What I need is the title of the article therefore to be fully searchable.

Note: after reading the above I went and did a reindex, which now enables the search in the search box. The question here then is do I have to reindex on a regular basis, e.g. once a day? It seems that each time new articles are added this will need to happen, or have I misunderstood something?

My other issue then is still to find a way to display the author in the advanced search options - should I add a filed and then make it not show in the article display? If so, if I add the field after articles have been submitted and published, will this work for these or will they have to be submitted again?

Total posts: 13,748
12 Nov 2012 22:35

Judah, there are 2 authors in Joomla.

  1. Author user group. Every user in that group is an Author even if he do not have even one record.

  2. Author of Cobalt article. The person who submitted article is the Author of this article. He can remain registered user group but we call his Article Author.

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