Judah Raine
Total posts: 332
10 Nov 2012 08:48

Hi there, sorry to be a pest again :D

I have encountered something strange with my review form submission - actually two things but they could be connected.

The form is set so public can submit, and seems to work fine. I get the message: "The article was edited but it will be published after approving by the moderator." BUT below this message the following displays:

jform Array


[title] => test 2 by judah raine

[category] => Array


        [0] => 10


[ucatid] => 0

[fields] => Array


        [28] => Array


                [0] => 


        [6] => jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj

        [7] => ddddddddddddddddddddddddd

        [8] => Array


                [0] => Comedy

                [1] => Historical


        [9] => Array


                [0] => Astraea Press


        [10] => 125

        [12] => 04/11/2011

        [11] => 123

        [33] => kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

        [32] => E Book

        [13] => Sophisticated

        [15] => Array


                [0] => Array


                        [url] => judahraine.com



        [14] => bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

        [21] => Array


                [0] => 1352556000_62249b71439bf1e350af4e72307c651e.pdf



[section_id] => 2

[type_id] => 3

[id] => 


I've certainly never seen that before!!!

Also, the image uploaded (I'm using the gallery field) does not "save", as in when as reviewer I log in and open the article to edit, there is no cover image.

This is the form prior to save and close:

and this is the same field in the same article when I open to edit:

Could it be the the js file is scrambled? Don't want to fiddle with it if not, but it's the only thing I can think of.

Your input and advice would be appreciated, thank you

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Judah Raine
Total posts: 332
10 Nov 2012 09:01

To add to this, if I edit the article as a reviewer (in order to do this I uploaded an image in the edit screen but this obviously won't work as reviewers won't have the images) it saves fine with the same it will be published when checked message.

BUT if I go in as admin (super user) to check and publish (the final step) both the gallery field and the file upload field are displaying strangely again:

This happens whether I access from frontend or backend. then, obviously, if I try to "apply" it tells me the book cover and file upload field are required.

I am utterly at a loss here :((

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
10 Nov 2012 15:49


if you use a modified template, it seems that somewhere in your code you missed to include the PHP start tag so that the PHP code will be displayed direct on your page.

Just search in your template code for the place where "jform Array" is and see if the PHP tag is missing there.

Judah Raine
Total posts: 332
10 Nov 2012 21:21

Ah, I'll go look this minute thank you :D

Judah Raine
Total posts: 332
10 Nov 2012 23:03

Hmmmm.... I'm afraid you're going to have to draw me little pictures here ._. Sadly, having never encountered this before, I have absolutely no clue as to where to look or how to fix... (rushes off to Google)

Total posts: 13,748
11 Nov 2012 22:54

Look for print_r or var_dump in your template.

If width of your form is different it means that on edit and add there are different itemids. Aтв one of those have some modules on the right ond one does not.

Judah Raine
Total posts: 332
12 Nov 2012 03:59

Thank you. I could not find either print_r or var_dump in my form template, but I have set a url redirect on submission so this seems to have sidestepped the problem till I can find what to do

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