Total posts: 5
29 Apr 2015 07:56

On my frontend form i need to deactivate bootstrap form styling, is this possible?

Last Modified: 30 Apr 2015

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
30 Apr 2015 00:06

Hello simplify,
could you give some details about the reason and purpose? Any incompatibilities or just a matter of styling and appearance? Do you want to use a certain template- or CSS-framework?

Total posts: 5
30 Apr 2015 07:22

There is a other styling on selectboxes, simple style issue.

Total posts: 13,748
30 Apr 2015 12:53

please tell what is exact issue. What styles Cobalt affect of your elements which it should not.

Unfortunately all Cobalt templates are markuped with Bootstrap. If you turn it completely off, there will be no allignments. And by the way bootstrap may beloaded not by Cobalt but by your templte.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
30 Apr 2015 22:16

simplify other styling on selectboxes, simple style issue

I'll second Sergey's comment.

If you need a different visual style on certain elements i.e. selects ... I would recommend to solve this by pure CSS.
Investigate the output and applied styles with your browser's dev tools / firebug.

You can alter CSS for the submission form in different ways:

A.) In YourType, edit default submission form template parameters. There is a special text area for inline CSS!

B.) Or add external CSS: place a file called default_form_default.css right beside the template file. It will be loaded automatically! The same applies for .JS files, if you need something like this for a 3rd-party form select solution.

C.) Or put your CSS rules in your site's main template.css or your-custom.css

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