Total posts: 10
05 Jan 2015 22:56

Hi everyone!

I just bought Cobalt and I'm very impressed by what this "little" gem can do! I'm stuck somewhere though, and I was wondering if anyone can help me?

I am trying to link 2 records using a relation field, but I would like to "explain" that relation to my visitors. What I'm trying to do is the following:

I have a "CHARACTER" content type, where I have the Relation field (parent) "Relatives" and I want to add other content of the type "CHARACTER" as actual family relatives to that character. So, other than linking all these characters as relatives I want to add "Father", "Mother", "Aunt", etc. to this relation so it's not just a list of Relatives without knowing HOW they are related.

I hope everyone understands the issue! And I hope someone can find a workaround or a solution!

Thanks ahead!


Last Modified: 08 Jan 2015

Total posts: 13,748
06 Jan 2015 06:10

We call it relation tag. For example you have movies and actors. The role that actor plaied in a movie os a tag.

Hate to say, but unfortunately as of now, there is no such a functionality.

Total posts: 10
07 Jan 2015 11:40

Thanks for your reply! Do you think it'll be included into any future releases?

Total posts: 13,748
08 Jan 2015 06:10

Unfortunately there is no plan for such a feature right now. The way we have it now, makes it little complicated. In order to implement something like this, it become breaking feature. May not work well for oll those who laready use this fields.

We can only plan this feature for Cobalt 9. Anctulay this was already dscussed and it is already planned for Cobalt 9.

And I do not know when it will be released.

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