quarterstaff VIP
Total posts: 6
09 Apr 2015 13:05

This feature is indicated on the info page of Emerald, but I'm not seeing any documentation for it, unless it is just using the "restrict anything" method. The description reads like the intro text, or perhaps the first paragraph would be visible and the rest would require a subscription. Is there a way to do this without adding the [PAID] code into every article? The site I am installing on has thousands of articles and I was hoping not to have to edit every one.

Last Modified: 14 May 2015

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
09 Apr 2015 17:57

Hello quarterstaff,

show articles in blog/list menuitems as usual. Users can see titles and intros. You just have to restrict the full article view URL. In other words, if the user clicks a title to reach the full article.

A.) This can be done with the build-in universal restriction rule. Dependending on your URL parts, you can protect all articles at once. Go to YourPlan -> Tab Restrictions -> select Articles com-content
Hence the descrition text and example:


In your case you have to focus on the typical article URL structure:


Enter view in URL parameter.
Condition is alread = by default.
and article in Parameter Value.

This is the basic logic for any other restriction by URL.

B.) Additionally there is a special rule adapter, which gives more parameters and options. You can see a screenshot and description in this topic.

Total posts: 13,748
22 Apr 2015 10:05

If you install com_content rules adapter, you might have mre advanced configuration


Total posts: 13,748
23 Apr 2015 08:18

When unregisterd user hits restricted link we cannot offer to purchase because that could be paid user just signed out. Thus we first offer to login. After login we know if user has subscription or not.

In Enerald we have RDS1 and SDR1 concepts

If you eneable RDS in your plan, then public user will be redirected to plan confirmation page, enter an email and end up on payment gateway page and account will be automatialy created for him.

You may use SDR and allow users to select subscription during registration process.

Just do not use 2 of those togather.

  • 1 - Registration During Subscription
  • 2 - Subscription During Registration

quarterstaff VIP
Total posts: 6
23 Apr 2015 14:37

Where do find the options to turn these on or off? I'm not seeing it in the plan options.

Also, as I said, I'm not even seeing an offer to login - just the generic Joomla: Error Please login first to access this page!

Total posts: 13,748
27 Apr 2015 04:16

RDS - in plan


SDR in Emerald user plugin.


quarterstaff Also, as I said, I'm not even seeing an offer to login - just the generic Joomla: Error Please login first to access this page!

Give me the link your are trying to access and user login.

quarterstaff VIP
Total posts: 6
13 May 2015 21:26

I have been digging through the forums and tried various settings on my test site, and I'm coming to the conclusion I have wasted my money on this component. It doesn't look like it can be used in this country due to the tax implementation. In Canada, we have to show the base price of the product (in this case the subscriptions), and based on the location of the purchaser taxes are added to the price.

For example a subscription price is set at $100 A user in Alberta would pay $100 plus a 5% GST tax of $5.00 for a total of $105.00 A user in Ontario would pay $100 plus a 13$ HST tax of $13.00 for a total of $113.00 Price and tax amounts have to be shown separately. Reports need to be available to show what taxes were collected and at what rate.

That means the users location has to be determined before payment so that taxes can be calculated. In Canada there are several different tax zones ranging from 5% to 15%. We cannot offer a product at a tax included price - that would mean that users in different provinces would be paying different pre-tax amounts, as well as it being against our tax code. Invoices have to show the price of the product, the tax rate and amount, and the total.

Am I wrong in thinking that Emerald is not equipped to handle taxes this way? Is there a workaround?

Thanks. Jeff

Total posts: 13,748
14 May 2015 13:47


In most cases, subscription prices are tax independent. I mean if you have $100 subscription, user pays $100 no matter what is his tax. But later in invoice user see the tax. But tax is calculated so that the total is equal to $100.

That is because tax is neede for buyer usualy.

For example the subscription was $100. User have %5 tax. The invoice will be.

Subscription: $95.23
Tax 5%: $4.77
Total: $100.00

Thus, user gets his tax in invoice, and price stays uniform. This is most common practice nowadays for subscriptions.

quarterstaff We cannot offer a product at a tax included price - that would mean that users in different provinces would be paying different pre-tax amounts

Yes. Users pay different tax amount but the same total.

quarterstaff as well as it being against our tax code

You mean your personal company tax code or country tax code?

quarterstaff Am I wrong in thinking that Emerald is not equipped to handle taxes this way? Is there a workaround?

I'll wait for your answer, and then let's see what would be a workaround. But I am sure we will work it out.

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