I need to add the sorting options for creation date and title a-z, in other parts of the website, out side the cobalt views,
I found the coode I need to use
<?php echo JHtml::_('mrelements.sort', ($markup->get('menu.menu_order_ctime_icon') ? HTMLFormatHelper::icon('document-search-result.png'): null ).' '.JText::_('CORDERRELEVANCE'), 'searchresult', $listDirn, $listOrder); ?>
<?php echo JHtml::_('mrelements.sort', ($markup->get('menu.menu_order_title_icon') ? HTMLFormatHelper::icon('edit.png'): null ).' '.JText::_($markup->get('menu.menu_order_title_label', 'Title')), 'r.title', $listDirn, $listOrder); ?>
This will draw the required links, but it is not working when added to other view such as breadcrumb view for example, I know I need to add somthing to this view to make it work, but I am not sure what.
So if any one can help me to get this sorting links I need.
Thank you.
Hi, I need to add the sorting options for creation date and title a-z, in other parts of the website, out side the cobalt views, I found the coode I need to use
This will draw the required links, but it is not working when added to other view such as breadcrumb view for example, I know I need to add somthing to this view to make it work, but I am not sure what.
So if any one can help me to get this sorting links I need.
Thank you.