darkhoros VIP
Total posts: 152
03 Dec 2014 18:20

Hi, On the website you say

Category Select

templates are used on the submission form and allow users to chose category in different way. Very useful when you have a lot of categories.

  • Smart - template like you have already seen in category when you select related categories and in type when you set category limits. The same way users will be able to select section categories during submission.
  • Menu - select categories navigating like through menu
  • Autocomplete - the same as autocomplete field or tags, user autocomplete filters. The same way you can chose categories.

Category Index

  • Menu - shows categories like menu
  • Vertical Tree - shows like windows folder navigator in file explorer

The menu option is not in the package, I have installed it and all I get for the category select is smart and autocomplete and default and for the category index, only the vertical tree.

Please correct me if I am wrong. or advice on where to find the menu installation. Thank you, regards.

Last Modified: 04 Dec 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
04 Dec 2014 00:18

Good catch. I don't have them either in C8. Most likely it has vanished because of J!30 and jQuery preferences!?

Product description needs an update.

I think this was a template option in Cobalt v7 / J25. It was powered by a mootools script "MooMenu". I remember it had a fixed pixel width... so, not a modern and versatile solution. I have never used it for some reason... (too ugly?) ;)

J25 backend:

Bildschirmfoto 2014-12-04 um 01.11.34

Bildschirmfoto 2014-12-04 um 01.16.16

J25 Beez - frontend:

Cat-Select :( ;)


CatIndex Menu, submenu on Hover! Only usable with less sub-levels. Style similar to Smart template.


Total posts: 13,748
04 Dec 2014 05:09

Yes, those templates are only in Cobalt 7 package.

I greately apologize for the confusion. I edited description according templates pack content.

darkhoros VIP
Total posts: 152
04 Dec 2014 07:38

OK, noted. Thank you.

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