Total posts: 1
07 Nov 2014 17:53


JFolder::create: Could not create directoryPath: /homepages/24/d543405658/htdocs/app543827660/uploads

Files Install: Failed to find source directory: /homepages/24/d543405658/htdocs/app543827660/uploads

Package Install: There was an error installing an extension: Message

Error installing package

You have successfully installed!

Cobalt 8 Extension
MintJoomla library

Module Tag Cloud
Module Categories
Module Section Statictics

Payment Gateway PayPal

Plugin Toolset
Plugin Joomla Search
Plugin Formatter INI
Plugin Formatter XML

Comment Adapter Core
Comment Adapter JComment
Comment Adapter Komento (By Stackideas)

Field Boolean
Field Checkbox
Field HTML
Field Image
Field Multiple Select
Field Password
Field Radio
Field Select
Field Text
Field Textarea

Core Cobalt modiles and plugins do not show up in Extension Manager, nor in Components menu.

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Last Modified: 11 Nov 2014

Total posts: 13,748
11 Nov 2014 03:51

Create uploads folder in Joomla root manually.

you have some problems with file permissions. Looks like you try it on your local MAC.

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