hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
26 Dec 2015 10:24

The title of this post might have been "what could have driven you to buy Emerald 10 instead of using Emerald 9?" But I prefered this title.

From earth to Sergey,
(Sergey is a heavenly creature who makes our wishes come true)

I would have upgraded to Emerald 10 without thinking twice if I could:

  • Send automated notifications to users who did not complete their payments after x days,
  • Send automated notifications to users who have bought subscription A but not B after x days,

I am inviting all the co-develpers of Emerald to join me celebrating the birth of Emerald 10 by giving Sergey the most interesting ideas that would lead you to upgrade to version 10 without thinking twice.

Please unite and throw your ideas to increase the customer satisfation to the utmost level.

Rock, while you can!

Last Modified: 27 Apr 2016

Tags Emerald 10

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
29 Dec 2015 11:07

There were 3 more posts above here that had disappeared yesterday. FYI.

Total posts: 13,748
29 Dec 2015 12:06

I am so sorry.

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
29 Dec 2015 17:52

Already asked for these in another topic, but this is definitely the right place to put it :-)

  • Vote for: Send automated notifications to users who did not complete their payments after x days
  • Ask for:"Free Trial" option when purchasing a subscription - more info here
  • Ask for: Discounts available not only for the first purchase - more info here

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
04 Jan 2016 09:52

Follow up notifications. After X days of purchase, we send the buyer to post a review or ask his opinion about the product he bought and offer him free help etc.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
04 Jan 2016 10:01

All these notifications can be recorded on a specific table and we can add as many custom templates as possible from this table and link them with the current plan. So the whole notification structure changes, we can create whatsoever notifiction we want. So each notification template might have its own parameters (just like the new Emerald 10 field restrictions. I can help and discuss on the structure if you like. My mind is clear about it. It would be very easy.

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
04 Jan 2016 10:29

hakana After X days of purchase, we send the buyer to post a review or ask his opinion about the product he bought and offer him free help etc.

Currently I do this through Acymailing "campaign" feature, with an acymailing action in Emerald but there is no option to add customized fields, like subscription name, expiring date atc...

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
04 Jan 2016 13:41

This is from another membership component that I used long ago. Maybe this can help you to visualize better what I am talking about.


hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
05 Jan 2016 14:48

Please note that the new notification system should take into consideration of the new fields system. I would like to send separate notificatons to the ones who bought additional packages via fields :-)

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
22 Jan 2016 11:13

I'd love to see more detailed analytics, not just for the last 30 days with the possibility to filter them per month, and also export them to pdf or excel.

Not amust for me, but it would definitely give an extra push to emerald. Maybe this is already planned for Emerald 10 ?


Total posts: 13,748
25 Jan 2016 13:58

nican I'd love to see more detailed analytics, not just for the last 30 days with the possibility to filter them per month, and also export them to pdf or excel.

Not amust for me, but it would definitely give an extra push to emerald. Maybe this is already planned for Emerald 10 ?

Whatever we do we cannot bit Google analytics. And we have e-commerce integration action. That turn Google Analytics into your full and detailed analytics. You can even see who come from where, how long he stood, ...

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
27 Jan 2016 13:25

Hi Sergey,

I have created a simple one page report on php. My aim was not to bid Google Anaytics but to get the summary as fast as I could.

Here is my format:
TODAY, Name of the purchaser, Subscription package, Total Amount
27 Jan 2016 12:31 John Doe, Package 1, 100 USD

LAST 15 DAYS Total, Total items sold
15 Jan 2016 170 USD 2
18 Jan 2016 100 USD 1
20 Jan 2016 320 USD 3

LAST 6 MONTHS Daily average, Total Income, Total items
July 2015 11 USD 350 USD 3

Total sales so far:
Total income so far:
Highest number of sales in one day: 12

Thank you for all this prosperity

nican VIP
Total posts: 392
27 Jan 2016 14:48

Sergey Whatever we do we cannot bit Google analytics. And we have e-commerce integration action. That turn Google Analytics into your full and detailed analytics. You can even see who come from where, how long he stood, ...

Thanks Sergey, I have never really tried that integration, time to give it a shot and see how it works!

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
21 Apr 2016 12:06

Hi Sergey,

Maybe you can add a content restriction table to Emerald 10? The table will be consist of these columns like:
How many days later will the content be available to the subscriber?
What is the content that will be shown to non susbcribers? What is the content that will be shown to ex-subscribers when the subscription has expired?

This content table will be teriffic and let us make many changes all at once. Currently I use the content restriction plugins but changing something takes a lot of time and it is not easy to open and close the tags all the time if the content is long and complicated.

So proposed tagline for the product: Emerald! Component that makes your life easier. :-P

Total posts: 13,748
22 Apr 2016 16:27

We call this feature Content dripping. This feature available in Emerald + Cobalt. Cobalt have special field for that. User cannot access lesson 2 unles he finished lesson 1. It can be by time. For example one lesson a day. Or manually by admin. For example you check homework. it is easely integrated with status field so when you change status of homework to Approved, next access is granted. Or user can get acces afte successful quizz completion.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
23 Apr 2016 11:27

Hi Sergey,

I know that Cobalt has this feature but even though I have already paid for it, I dont want to install it to have a lighter web site. I also think that if you give your clients something new for emerald 10, you will sell it better (or have your current clients upgrade). Currently the only additional feature is the fields. It will not be a strong motivation for most of the current clients to upgrade.

Since you already know the content dripping feature, I thought you might consider adding it to Emerald. Because it looks like an extra one table. Thank you very much.

Total posts: 13,748
26 Apr 2016 13:33

This feature ahev to be tightly integrated with Content manager. either Joomla core which is not used ofter nowadays or other. It means endless number of integrations. Everyone use different extension to create lessons.

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
26 Apr 2016 15:42

Sergey This feature ahev to be tightly integrated with Content manager. either Joomla core which is not used ofter nowadays or other. It means endless number of integrations. Everyone use different extension to create lessons.

How much would it cost to create such an add on which is integrated with the Joomla core content manager?

Total posts: 13,748
27 Apr 2016 02:17

I am not sure exactly but I think around gt. $250. You need special restriction rule and com_content plugin to add new field on the article form to set condition and order of lessons. That might be not simple because right now there is no plugin API for adding form elements. That should come with Joomla 3.6.

Why do you need this? Cobalt already have it.

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