hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
27 Nov 2014 10:40

Hi Sergey,

I subscribed one of my membership plans. The period is over and I am automatically shown a text for nonmembers like I have never bought this plan. Is there a way to show the user an expiry message? Maybe in the plan settings or between PAID or UNPAID tags? I still prefer a global warning message after the expiry with a link to "extend your membership page". In the worst case, you can create another parameter for a message for "expired" subscribers. These are the people who have paid whose membership has expired and have no access to the PAID area.

Kind regards, Hakan

Last Modified: 04 Dec 2014

Total posts: 13,748
28 Nov 2014 08:52

Can you just create protection massage that would nicely fit expired and never subscribed users. Like.

We are sorry but you have no subscription or your subscription had expired to access this area...

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
29 Nov 2014 19:12

Where do I create it? Between the unpaid tags you mean? Between the unpaid tags, I have another big text. It would be confusing to show an expired message to UNPAID ones.

I would like to show a message only to expired users, not to unpaid ones. Maybe another placeholder like EXPIRED?

There are four more options:

A message as a global parameter for all the expired memberships
A language string for all the expired memberships
A plan parameter where we can define the expired membership for each plan.

One last option can be a a global message parameter in the plugin.

Total posts: 13,748
01 Dec 2014 02:15

You can send an email.

Where you want that message to be shown? Instead of [paid]?

hakana VIP
Total posts: 425
04 Dec 2014 09:43

The best is to show a message between the UNPAID tags which can be customized from the language strings. Because I use category definition area to show the restricted content or not. I still need it between the UNPAID tags.

So we can still show the UNPAID content, but at the top of UNPAID content an expiry message will be shown. The message will be standart, coming from the language strings.

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