Total posts: 16
16 Sep 2015 12:40

Dear Sergey!

On behalf of all your commited customers we would like to ask you only one simple questions "When we can expect the release of Cobolt 9 ???". Some of us been waiting for nearly 2 years now and this affects lots of people businesses as in each business we need to know what to expect next and plan our strategic actions for the future. Having the sutiation like this with Cobolt 9 is damaging our businessses and hold of from growing, while other competitors who choose other CMS are growing and giving us a hard time.

We hope you understand and if you need our help we can assist as much as we can but we really need to make things with Cobolt 9 done ASAP or at least know the approximate time fram to better understant what should we do for now.

We appreshite your time and looking forward to hear from you soon!

Last Modified: 21 Dec 2015

andiamine VIP
Total posts: 295
08 Oct 2015 20:57

:D yeap

Total posts: 13,748
11 Oct 2015 12:04

My current decision on this topic to release whateve I have at the end of December. It means that there will be Cobalt 9 but perhaps it will not include everything that was planned in roadmap.

andiamine VIP
Total posts: 295
31 Oct 2015 17:17

Thanks great !!

jimie VIP
Total posts: 531
07 Dec 2015 15:13

Can't wait to see it :) hope to see the new centralized dashboard, where you can view all your items in one place ( if you did something about that )


clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
09 Dec 2015 14:01

great news

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
10 Dec 2015 00:31

Don't let us rush you! Quality rules! ;)

Jeff VIP
Total posts: 745
12 Dec 2015 02:34

Sergey My current decision on this topic to release whateve I have at the end of December. It means that there will be Cobalt 9 but perhaps it will not include everything that was planned in roadmap.


Total posts: 13,748
14 Dec 2015 05:38

Emerald 10 is in Beta test mode. Please check the news fo all who wants to become betatester (or insider as it is modern to call now).

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
18 Dec 2015 03:55

Unfortunately, I never used Emerald, but if you need a tester for Cobalt .....

Total posts: 13,748
21 Dec 2015 03:38

I'll need one very soon. I'll create the same as for Emearld Skype group and offer anyone to connect to get full version for test.

andiamine VIP
Total posts: 295
21 Dec 2015 16:47

yes i want check new cobalt !! :D

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
21 Dec 2015 17:03

Sergey I'll create the same as for Emearld Skype group

:( No luck with Emerald Group and file attachment (yet). Maybe Cobalt works out better for me ;) :)

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