kentster VIP
Total posts: 54
16 Feb 2014 16:14

I am seeing an odd error that the file type is invalid, but it is not. The error also contains a typo... Clearing the cache on Joomla seemed to correct the problem. Can you explain it and fix the typo (unalloewd)?

Last Modified: 18 Mar 2014

Total posts: 1,113
16 Feb 2014 22:19

Try use only letters in filename without any special chars.

Total posts: 13,748
17 Feb 2014 01:17

This is one of the errors that we cannot reproduce locally.

TO fix it we need super admin level access to your site.

kentster VIP
Total posts: 54
17 Feb 2014 18:59

Ok, how would you like me to set this up?

Total posts: 13,748
18 Feb 2014 06:52

Is your site online of local?

kentster VIP
Total posts: 54
16 Mar 2014 17:22

Still having the file upload problem. Can this be fixed?

Here is a screenshot.

Click here to link...


Total posts: 13,748
17 Mar 2014 04:34

Could you try to upload file without white spaces in the name. Just to check.

kentster VIP
Total posts: 54
17 Mar 2014 23:09

The problem is that the problem is not repeatable or at least I can't figure out how to repeat it. In the screenshots above, these scenarios are now gone.

I will say that the filename does not seem to be the problem, since I have examples of successful uploads of filenames with dashes, underscores, parentheses, numbers etc.

If I see it occur again, I will try simplifying the filename.

Finally, this is a public facing site where I cannot easily control the file names used by those submitting.


Total posts: 13,748
18 Mar 2014 03:04

I know that file names should not be an issue. And actualy it is not. What I thought may be you have some special file system or something like that.

I know this error it sometimes happen to me too. But it happence once and then disappear. I simply cannot track it. My suspect is mooupload MooTools based component.

Once I get my hands on the site where it is permanent, I'll try find out why it is happening.

kentster VIP
Total posts: 54
18 Mar 2014 23:20

Ok, I'll look for a repeatable scenario and let you know...

Thanks, Kent

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