narcis VIP
Total posts: 138
06 May 2014 14:08


I'm trying to understand easysocial integration with Cobalt8. I can see 9 ES app in the package; i think they are the same, but no sure. I must install all app ? How do they work ? If no, what app i must install ? Is there any integration with ES points? I'm searching the way user can get points when he adds or edits article.

Best regards.

Total posts: 13,748
06 May 2014 16:34

All apps are the same. There are few of them so that you could integrate few sections. Each app for each section.

You install package and then discover in ES. If you integrate only one section, install only one app.

Cobalt has ES points integration. In section parameters, events tab, find karma points values. What you set there, will be applies to ES points. Just do not forget to publich ES/Cobalt integration plugin.

narcis VIP
Total posts: 138
06 May 2014 16:39

Thank you.

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