wolverine VIP
Total posts: 102
04 Nov 2013 14:28


HI try to get records mdolue to worok nice

with blog layout but my header text are to big And I can t choise what to show like image .video etc can some one help me here ?

THX for all help with custome css so its works :)

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
05 Nov 2013 07:48

with blog layout but my header text are to big

This is basic CSS work. I suggest you to learn the basic principles, so you can utilize the full power of Cobalt and Joomla templates. It is really crucial to get your head around your browsers developer tools (often included or as extra browser plugin!)

Those tools allow you to inspect your page source interactively. If those tools do not help... you really have to learn the basics. Otherwise it does not make much sense. You need a basic understanding to make the best out of it. "Learning by doing" is much easier with such tools... but that is only the half battle.

Regarding specific module styling:

A.) in general modules have a common surroundind DIV with a certain CSS CLASS. You can combine this class with your heading class to target it specifically. (changes may apply to ALL similar modules!)

B.) J! modules can have a certain CLASS SUFFIX in module parameters! This is added to your module CSS class... and allows you to have a very special styling for this particular module!

with blog layout but my header text are to big

I can t choise what to show like image .video etc


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