Total posts: 73
04 Feb 2015 16:00

I'm just asking if (ever) possible to have a self-updating "time" field. User chooses format (e.g. hh:mm or DAY hh:mm etc) and in view mode - field updates itself, like a normal clock. Also - countdown, if user chooses starttime and direction.

I see such field useful with educational purpose but not only, possibly a small step towards scheduling content (displaying fields dinamically with time elapsing... etc).

Last Modified: 05 Feb 2015

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
04 Feb 2015 16:59

Hello geojoomla,

the Date/Time field has an optional output template: CountDown (displays like a ticking timer)

Bildschirmfoto 2015-02-04 um 17.48.58

Total posts: 73
04 Feb 2015 17:11

Oh, thanks for this, I'm slowly refreshing myself from Mighty :) Still - a clock, or timer (start from 00:00 to 05:00) would also be useful.

And my main idea is not only "showing" time values (many javascripts etc do it), but also "acting" upon them.

Ideally, this "time" value (clock, timer, countdown) that I suggest should have a "live" effect on the article/page, e.g. - show/reveal another field - go to another article/link - etc etc

Possibilities are endless. Cobalt is indeed the most flexible CCK in my opinion, and maybe another field is too much. But I do think the time element and reaction to time - would give it even more "weight".

Total posts: 13,748
05 Feb 2015 02:46

Some scenarios are possible. For example espire. You can affect real expire date through field so they will be syncronized. Thus, countdown will perfectly unpublish an article.

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