danielbidala VIP
Total posts: 153
05 Sep 2016 13:34

I think if you add joomla menu item to section home, 'component/cobalt' will not be in your url.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
05 Sep 2016 15:22

danielbidala I think if you add joomla menu item to section home, 'component/cobalt' will not be in your url.

Exactly. If you have setup correct menu-Items and usual parameters, you should get proper SEF URL's. No matter if "personalization" is on or off. URL's should look like these:



single record

personalization ON / user's homepage

user's single record

MenuItemType - External URL

Do you use external URLs for categories?
I can re-create and see your URL structure with MenuItems of type "External URL".

Check Category parameters: menu ID (ItemID) target
As far as I can tell, you can leave it to inherit.
This setting has an impact on all Cobalt category links, for instance Cat-Index; Cat-Module, links in records list.

Results & possible Drawbacks

Here are my experiences with the 2 options:
1.) If I select the external URL as target, I get your "strange" SEF URL including cobalt and extra ItemID.
2.) If I select inherit as target, the MenuItem gets a plain none SEF URL!

Hope this helps.

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