Total posts: 202
05 Sep 2014 01:45


I have a business direcory, and I know that about 10-15% of the records are very out of date and the business is no longer active or trading.

What I would like is a 'report' button/link that anyone can click on to tell me that the business is "No longer trading" or "Doesn't exist anymore" etc. etc.

I would then like to have a list that I can look at and then delete records as appropriate.

Has anyone done this before or can help me and suggest the best way to do it in Cobalt.



Last Modified: 09 Sep 2014

Total posts: 13,748
08 Sep 2014 00:53

You can use email field. You can configure it that all emails are sent to you. Also you can set predifined subjests so user have options like

  • This business no longer exists
  • Information provided is not correct
  • This is my business

And hide body and all other field.

Actualy this case is one of those that the email field was created for.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
08 Sep 2014 11:48

techutopia I would then like to have a list that I can look at and then delete records as appropriate.

This would require to "flag/mark" the record in question. Just some quick thoughts:

A.) Status field is nice, but doesn't help here out-of-the-box, since it could be changed by many users. Not once. Maybe a special Rating-template? Problem: How to generate a proper list...

B.) Re-post feature. User's repost the record admin's homepage only. Drawback: There is no subject/message to differentiate. Not sure how to restrict posts to admin's page.

C.) Comments: Do you already use comments with your records? Core or Type-as-Comments may replace an email. You would have a connection to the record and even a notification. This data could be used to create a kind of "list". Cobalt-Type-as-Comments can be stored in their own section/category, which gives a separate list.
Actually, this is even comparable to this Cobalt forum. The only difference: Answers/posts are visible to admins only.

D.) Relation fields: Add new child as a "flag". Maybe a good alternative, if you already have comments feature in use.

Sergey Actualy this case is one of those that the email field was created for.

Related question: Is there any connection between the email and the record? I mean, apart from the email... can I get the information where it was sent from? Maybe recordID# and/or record URL.

Total posts: 13,748
09 Sep 2014 01:50

There is record ID and URL in email.

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