progressionsp VIP
Total posts: 89
07 Apr 2016 20:24

I am having an issue that I can't figure out. Here's what I need to accomplish: Currently: - All registered users have "Registered" group checked by default- plus, when they choose a subscription and I set the Change Usergroup Action to change their group, it adds them to that group (i.e.; "Tier I")... but doesn't remove them from Registered.

Need to do: 1) User is currently subscribed to plan "Tier I" (They are added to Tier I group upon subscription)- Action is set to change REMOVE them from Tier I group upon expiration and move them to "Tier X" 2) User upgrades to "Tier II"... if the Tier II subscription is set to deactivate "Tier I" subscription, I don't want them to be "Tier X" AND "Tier II" (they should now just be "Tier II")

SO, I suppose what I'm asking is: Is there a way to REMOVE a user from a group when they are added to another? I understand that I can have them added to AND then removed from a group upon expiration... but that won't solve my problem. I need to be able to use this "Tier X" group to control people that have had a subscription in the past, but don't have a current one now. So, Added to Tier I upon subscription -> moved to Tier X upon expiration -> REMOVED from Tier X (if it exists) AND added to Tier II upon subscription -> Removed from Tier II upon expiration AND added to Tier X upon expiration... etc.


Last Modified: 22 Apr 2016

progressionsp VIP
Total posts: 89
09 Apr 2016 14:49


progressionsp VIP
Total posts: 89
11 Apr 2016 03:01


Okay, I think I've narrowed down the problem.

What the Change User Group Action currently does: 1) Settings: - Group to assign on successful subscription: "-Tier V - MonthlyVIP" - Remove from group after subscription finishes: "YES" - Group to assign after subscription expires: "-Tier X - No Plan" 2) When the subscription is granted, the user isn't actually removed from the existing group (which is currently "Registered")- they are simply added to the new group specified in "Group to assign on successful subscription" 3) Therefore, if either of the following occur: - this user's subscription expires then later upgraded - or, is upgraded (and the old one is deactivated) In both situations, they are added to the "Tier X..." group- therefore, when/if they later purchase another plan, they will now belong to Registered, Tier X..., AND the new plan name (this shouldn't occur)

Can there be field added to this action to actually remove from another group when granting the new subscription? i.e.;

"Group to remove on successful subscription"

Total posts: 13,748
13 Apr 2016 07:33

progressionsp 2) When the subscription is granted, the user isn't actually removed from the existing group (which is currently "Registered")

It does not remove user from registered group. Remove parameters only remove user from group you selected in Group to assign on success subscription.

progressionsp 3) Therefore, if either of the following occur: - this user's subscription expires then later upgraded - or, is upgraded (and the old one is deactivated) In both situations, they are added to the "Tier X..." group- therefore, when/if they later purchase another plan, they will now belong to Registered, Tier X..., AND the new plan name (this shouldn't occur)

I read it few times but not sure I comletely understood. But, user wil be removed from selected group only if another subscription which is still active does not grant it.

it means that if user have plan a with add him to group a, and then plan b with grand him to the same group a, and both subscriptions are active, user will be removed only after both of them expires.

progressionsp Can there be field added to this action to actually remove from another group when granting the new subscription? i.e.;

That is not good to remove user from registered. I think user have to be there always. Just do not use that group in your access levels. Another words do not messup with groups you have not created. Create yourown and only work with them. I am sure if you delete user from registered group that user will get a lot of probelms in other extensions.

But there is possibility. Create action that add user to registered group and select remove after. Since user is already in registered group, action will not add user but will delete.

progressionsp VIP
Total posts: 89
14 Apr 2016 18:51

Sergey That is not good to remove user from registered. I think user have to be there always. Just do not use that group in your access levels. Another words do not messup with groups you have not created. Create yourown and only work with them. I am sure if you delete user from registered group that user will get a lot of probelms in other extensions.

But there is possibility. Create action that add user to registered group and select remove after. Since user is already in registered group, action will not add user but will delete.

I don't actually want to use it to remove a user from Registered group. (just used that as an example). What I need is to be able to progress a user through plan levels- but if a user's subscription expires or is deactivated, the user will be moved to a level called "Tier X - No Plan"... problem is, if the user purchases another plan in the future, the action does not remove them from this group (Tier X...) when granting the new plan. Therefore, I have a problem where once a user is changed to the Tier X group, they cannot leave that group. Hope this makes sense. The Action is actually called "Change User Group"... it should actually be called "Add User Group" because the word "Change" implies that it can MOVE them from one group to another (but it cannot).

Can you think of a way I can work around this? I tried editing the action and was almost successful- was having one small problem with it. I believe the problem is somewhere that the component First activates the new subscription (and applies any actions assigned), Then deactivates any subscriptions that it is instructed to... SO, when I added the code to remove the user from a group in the onActive($subscription) function, it only works to remove a user from the group if it already exists- but after another plan is deactivated when this new one is granted, the Tier X group from that action never gets removed because the deactivation is happening AFTER the activation instructions.

Maybe you could help me with this? EmeraldActionRemoveCat

Currently, if you select a group under "Group to assign after subscription expires", that user will be stuck there permanently- so there should be an option in this action to also REMOVE them from that group so that the next subscription that user purchases can remove them from this group.

Total posts: 13,748
19 Apr 2016 07:22

I get it. I added parameter "Remove from group on successful subscription". Will be with next update.

progressionsp VIP
Total posts: 89
20 Apr 2016 02:13

Awesome! When will the next update be released?

Total posts: 13,748
22 Apr 2016 16:28

Today already released.

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