Total posts: 21
18 Jul 2014 09:31

Dear Support,

on my website one function that's nearly used on a daily basis is the "Download All" Button from the Gallery Field. We recently had the problem, that sometimes the downloaded picture is only processed half - which means, the lower 50% of the picture are just grey.

I supposed a problem with full image processing and expected the worst. But all resized pictures we're corretly processed according to the aspect ratio and contain full picture information (no lower grey half). So all pictures stored on the FTP don't contain the error.

So I think it's a problem with the Download function. I can easily reproduce the error. It always occurs when just one picture is there and you click on "Download All". Then the lower half of the picture is grey. If you add a second picture (and so it processes them as a ZIP file) both pictures inside the ZIP are fine. When I delete one of them and click again on "Download All" what happens is that I get a picture with only half the picture information.

Hope this helps with tracking down the error.

Regards, SR

P.S.: I also noticed an error in the Back End directly shown on top then I edit the "Gallery Field": Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /www/htdocs/myusername/libraries/cms/html/select.php on line 571

I'm using Cobalt 8.559.

Last Modified: 28 Jul 2014

Total posts: 13,748
21 Jul 2014 02:10

It should be always ZIP now even with one file.

SR89 P.S.: I also noticed an error in the Back End directly shown on top then I edit the "Gallery Field": Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /www/htdocs/myusername/libraries/cms/html/select.php on line 571

You may just ignore it.

Total posts: 13,748
22 Jul 2014 11:13

Что именно не правильно? Что вы ждете?

Total posts: 21
27 Jul 2014 22:08

Any news on this topic?

Total posts: 13,748
28 Jul 2014 03:31

Did you try to update? Should be fixed as mentioned.

Sergey It should be always ZIP now even with one file.

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