switchblade1984 VIP
Total posts: 132
04 Dec 2013 11:32

I know that Cobalt doesn't work in the sense that Mighty did where you can copy over a category, type or field to save time when you want to use something that is similar to ones you already made. And I know the way you build Cobalt wont allow this kind of behavior. In fact I try to Save As Copy things like Categories and all this does is cause problems because its doesn't make a new instance of the Templates both the regular Category and the copy with change to the same settings as one another.

I had an idea where you can give people the same time saving feature as copying things. Can we get perimeters in Categories, Sub-Categories, Types, and Fields to save current settings as Presets that we can name? then when we make a new type we can select from presets from a drop down?

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Total posts: 13,748
05 Dec 2013 00:45

I completely understand what you mean. In Cobalt we paid more attention on frontend, thus backend become les featured.

Copy thinks in cobalt is complicated because those do not do new instance for template parameters. This is the only problem. If you want unique parameter for every category, you will have to create new one.

And presets will create the same problem. The template key will be the same.

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