klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
21 Nov 2014 14:30


I would like to remove city dropdown from geo filter so only country option will be displayed. Any ideas anybody?


Last Modified: 24 Nov 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
23 Nov 2014 16:38

You mean "Filter by Address" ?

I guess, that would require a custom filter template:

joomla ▸ components ▸ com_cobalt ▸ fields ▸ geo ▸ tmpl ▸ filter

See default.php at line 110 ++

And the related function "getChilds" at line 400++

(sorry, but I can't give you more detailed instructions ;) )

klox7 VIP
Total posts: 914
23 Nov 2014 17:38

Yes, filter by address. I was already playing around with code in this field but no progress.

And question. How does Cobalt insert city values based on languages if you select "address from marker"? For example Sweden in english is "Sweden" and in Swedish it is "Sverige". Does "address from marker" always inserts english value?

How does Cobalt handle this if I have multilanguage site where one language is english and one swedish and I have parallel translation. I know user can insert this value by hand but users won't think about this.

Total posts: 13,748
24 Nov 2014 08:13

klox7 And question. How does Cobalt insert city values based on languages if you select "address from marker"? For example Sweden in english is "Sweden" and in Swedish it is "Sverige". Does "address from marker" always inserts english value?

It is not multilingual. Cobalt see it as simple text as it was inserted.

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