stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
23 May 2013 19:18


Section 1 (employees) - user1 inserts his CV (record). - Can insert multiple CV's. - Can hide CV's from companies and edit them

Section 2 (companies) - user2 inserts records (job offers) - when companies searching section1, when press a record to be directed to user homepage wich he can view also other record inserted by that user.

This is possible with Cobalt right?

Does Cobalt allows user1 to submit a CV (record) to a company record (job offer) ? And the company to be notified?

Also... that only company has access to who applied but everyone else can only see how much users1 applied ("x persons applied to this job")?

And if all this is possible, what happens when company removes the job which has records attached ? it simply "unlinks" it ?

Last Modified: 26 Aug 2014

Tags Cobalt 9

Total posts: 13,748
21 Jun 2013 01:16

This could be very long talk.

First if you have 5 fields input it mean it always will be 5 fields. Lets take for example multilevelselect. When you use multiple values you make a selection, click add and it is added as balloon. And you have always only one form element active.

I had 2 ideas how to enter fields data.

  1. Create something like in email field extra field for mail form. In field parameters you create as many field as you want with something like special syntax in textarea. Then this syntax is parsed to create small form.

  2. Set another type as subform. To use other type to create form is good idea because of variety of fields. But very complicated. Perhaps will recuire a lot of changes in the core.

Now I tend to idea 1 and think this would be best way around.

Data is saved as array. No need to convert to something like "value1;value2;value3". You return array and you receive array and Cobalt will take care how to store шею

There are 2 methods. onPrepareSave and onStoreValues

On prepare save have to return array. This is what you later will use in field as $this->value.

onStoreValues have to return something only if you want to add filtering ability o the field.

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
21 Jun 2013 06:52


Any news i will let you know

cherosoullis VIP
Total posts: 165
19 Feb 2014 12:31

On this issue. Is there any way that the parent to be able to rate the child. Since the parent, the job has some childs (CVs) and then choose one of them. How to show which he has choosen and how to allow only the parent to rate this child?

I believe this is only possible with custom sql query right?

Total posts: 13,748
19 Feb 2014 23:14

You cannot rate child in a parent. Because parent have many children, thus have to have multiple ratings each for every child. You can rate parent in a child. For that simple enable rating in a child only for authors. And in parent in custom template user rating API to calculate total rating.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
22 Feb 2014 07:35

You cannot rate child in a parent. Because parent have many children, thus have to have multiple ratings each for every child. You can rate parent in a child.

So, as soon as I attach a child, or use Cobalt type-as-comment ...

all ratings are assigned and calculated for the parent only? A nice feature for reviews etc.

But, it does not apply for any other usage of childs. In other words, applications where the "child" or "comment" is the most important item! Where the item needs the "rating".

I think, it is very important to have a "toggle" for this internal behavior. Something like: "Ratings apply to parent YES/NO".

Or did I miss something?

Total posts: 13,748
24 Feb 2014 00:15

So, as soon as I attach a child, or use Cobalt type-as-comment

Parent child and type as commnt are completely different. In type as comment yet rating is added automaticaly to parent article. But when you add child nothing happen internaly. But you may use rating API to calculate tottal rating of parent article.

Total posts: 13,748
24 Feb 2014 07:16

Anyway, is it possible to turn this behavior off for "type as comment"?

Just disable rating in type that acts like comments.

Total posts: 13,748
24 Feb 2014 22:58

I see.

There are two types of ratings.

  1. When you rate comment you rate that particular comment and many people may add rating to that comment

  2. When you rate comment you actually rate article to which this comment is applied and only author of that comment may add rating.

May be you need to turn of rating for parent records.

Total posts: 13,748
25 Feb 2014 23:24

J30->31->315->32->322 disaster...

And this what makes me sad :(

cherosoullis VIP
Total posts: 165
26 Aug 2014 21:23

Is there any progress in this subform field? Will this be implemented in cobalt 9?

Do you have an approximatly release dates?


Total posts: 13,748
26 Aug 2014 23:56

cherosoullis Will this be implemented in cobalt 9?

This is the plan.

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