15 Oct 2016 12:19


How to create an account and pay their subscription easysocial same time?

I bought emerald today, the installation was completed successfully. The problem I have is: Can easysocial integration with Emerald. I ssay any sort of configuration, but it does not work.

HERE THAT DO NOT WORK: I want to restrict the easysocial component. When I want to create an account with easysocial I'm not redirected to the subscription page. I installed the application to emerald easysocial:

Can not configure. If the configuration should be automatic, here it is not. There is nothing happens.

How can the user pays his subscription during the registration procecuss in easysocial?

Can you verify the installation and configuration please? I searched the forum but I can not find the solution to my problem.

I can not solve this problem.

Thank you for your understanding. cordially Georges LEGER

Last Modified: 08 Nov 2016

myBiGPay VIP
Total posts: 33
27 Oct 2016 12:01


I have more than enough. I have to make decisions quickly for the launch of my website.

We need this fixed.

I need to move on.

Thank you for your help Pending confirmation cordially Georges LEGER

Only selected items will Above-have access to this app

myBiGPay VIP
Total posts: 33
27 Oct 2016 12:04


You have said that the software is easy to use. But that's not what I see now.


Thank you for your help Pending confirmation cordially Georges LEGER

myBiGPay VIP
Total posts: 33
27 Oct 2016 12:13


Please, can you confirm quickly if Emerad is able to make the restreidre my site?

I need an answer if I switch to another payment system. If I lose so much time in trying to restrict some.

I really fear for managing subscription.

Thank you for your understanding.

I need a quick answer please.

Thank you for your help Pending confirmation cordially Georges LEGER

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
27 Oct 2016 18:35

Salut Georges,
frankly speaking... it is really hard to understand your goal. I still don't get 100% what your registration workflow and restriction concept is.
I am also not sure if you understood that there are different ways to use Emerald.

It seems, you are talking sometimes about an entire ES restriction.
And sometimes you talk about plan selection and payment during registration.
So bare with us, it is really hard to give an advice.

Also make sure how you setup ES inside. Do you use different profiles? Do you use those profiles on register form? Do you have different ACL/usergroups to allow or disallow certain things etc.

Would you mind to explain your site access and registration workflow in clear steps?

I know, we might get lost in translation again. ;)

myBiGPay VIP
Total posts: 33
27 Oct 2016 22:55

Hello pepperstreet,

I bought Emerald in order to set up a subscription system on my website. So my goal is clear and precise. I want to create restriction based on the user profile on my site.

"And sometimes you talk about the selection of the scheme and the payment at the registration." Yes, because usually, users purchase a subscription before returning to the site or after a trial period. Emerald offers the same functionalities but with an entirely different logic (labor and management frontend etc.)

Remember to me, Emerald is a new application, with a logic and different functionalities and in addition there is no explanation videos. So the grip is much more difficult in another language. For all the words are not translated on my side.

You often speak of ES. What is ES? Is it easysocial? Is this is a plugin you need to download? In your documentation the word appears nowhere ES.

I understand 200% that there are several ways to configure Emerald. This is also why I do not find myself. The problem is that I understood not. When I think I understand, it does work.

That's why I asked you to create examples of subscription plans on my site. So I can understand the fonctiomment Emerald and work based on your plans.

Do you use different profiles? OUi, I use different profiles.   Do you use these profiles registration form? Yes, I use these profiles on the easysocial registration form.

Do you have different ACL / user groups to allow or deny certain things, etc.?

Yes, I would like to prohibit certain things.

Yes, I think you're right. Sometimes we get lost in translation.

When you say make sure you understand. The problem is that if I do not understand is that there are few that is not clear and I try to understand but I do not understand.

myBiGPay VIP
Total posts: 33
27 Oct 2016 22:58

Hello pepper street, In any case, I reproduced all that you have asked me to do in your message. It did not work once.

Total posts: 13,748
28 Oct 2016 03:31

Here is what i've found so far.

  1. Restriction to registered users was skipped. So registered users were an exeption and for them restriction never apply.


    The ideal configuration would be this one. Restrict access to restricted content to everyone.


  2. There is a problem. I've created user test. I logged in and it try to redirect me to ES(EasySocial) dashboard. But there is an error. It is in firefox. I do not know wht does the redirect and why it is not working, but I cannot continue to check unless this problem is solved. And this one is not Emerald related.


myBiGPay VIP
Total posts: 33
28 Oct 2016 06:35

Hello Sergey,

Thank you for taking the time to look at my problem. Sincerely, I think it a mistake with Emerald.

However, I ask myself how do you solve a problem that I found in firefox? Then I met the same problem in Google Chrome.

I encountered the same problem, Saturday, Oct. 25. I thought the problem was caused by Easysocial. Here's what the team Easysocial to found (see screenshot to follow the conversation):


Registration does not work on my side. You can watch the video and screenshot.

I'm on easysocial 2.0.0 RC 1. Registration fee is on my website. Registration Integration works with Emerald plugin (

When I register, I'm stuck at the last step of the registration process.

Video: 2.0.0 RC Screenshot: %20emerald.png

Thank you for your help. Have a good day.

Sam · Tuesday, October 25, 2016 8:09 p.m. Hi Georges LEGER,

Regarding your issue, it Was Caused by your user plugin 'User - Emerald Subscriptions' always return an error Message When EasySocial Attempt to create an user in Jooomla. Below is the error messages i received During my debug on your site.


I'v temporary disabled this 'User - Emerald Subscriptions' plugin and now the registration process Went through without stay at the last step of the registration.

I advise you to contact the developer of this user plugin so That They Can Fix Their outcome.

Hope this help and have a nice day!

Thank you for your understanding.

Capture d’écran 2016-10-28 à 08.44.09

myBiGPay VIP
Total posts: 33
28 Oct 2016 07:19

Hello pepperstreet,

I know you say you do not finish. It's just to know. I just found errors that appear on the site. Is it normal ?

If you can not configure Emerald to set up the subscription system, I could not do it anymore. Because you know perfectly how Emerald works.

I know I have a lot of software installed on my site, but they work very well together.

You say you can not continue the configuration because of a problem with in firefox. Yet I do not use Firefox.

I can not stay with all these bugs, all the uncertainty about how Emerald on my website.

Now you understand my problem is not only related to understanding the operation of Emerald. Obviously there is a problem somewhere.

Capture d’écran 2016-10-28 à 08.58.05

Capture d’écran 2016-10-28 à 08.55.30

Thank you for your help and understanding.

Total posts: 13,748
28 Oct 2016 15:46

I do not know how to help you if you change things faster than I can assist.

Have you uninstalled Emerald? Do you want me to assist?

If you do, please let me know and I'll install latest Emerald and configure one plan for you to protect easysocial badges page. Because I do not know if it ok to proseed. I afraid to break something.

P.S. YOu see those strict ctandart errors because I've enabled error reporting in Global Joomla configuration. I suggest you have it on, while developing your site.

You can also see that there are no errors prodiced by Emerald all of them are EasySocial ones.

Total posts: 13,748
28 Oct 2016 15:49

One more note. I cannot respond here every 10 minuts. So respond and change nothing. Wait. Let me fix everything. Then I response and then you can continue.

I'll look at this topic next time tomorrow about the same time. So do not post a lot of comments, just wait.

myBiGPay VIP
Total posts: 33
28 Oct 2016 16:12

Hello Sergey Zainutdinov,

Ok I understood. I have not uninstalled Emerald, I just disabled.

It's good now, I activated Emerald again.

I just ask you to understand my position. My site officialy out October 3, 2016. The release date was already repouser several times and users are await.

The whole strategy of my site based on membership system. My site is very complex, I know. I already had the subscription system payplans. Honestly, I preferred to have Emerald on my site because according to the explanation on your site, I can say that this is exactly what I want.

If Emerald does not. For me it is important to know if I have to go with payplans or not. In order to predict the time to organize my schedule.

I know the language barrier, the time lag of play hugely in our misunderstanding of things.

In fact, I wish I had back just to say that you work on the problem. When I am in the dark, it is very stressful because I do not know what direction to go.

Now it is still weaving to know that it does work but moin I know that you take the issue supported.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but I really have the pressure of my hand.

thank you for your understanding cordially Georges LEGER

Total posts: 13,748
28 Oct 2016 17:27

Can you just not touch anything? now there are other errors on your site. I disabled Emerald restricter plugin. Looks like you have restricted event Emerald itself. SO it did not go through. I wanted to change plans but now I cannot login on frontend, there is no login form and there is fatal SQL error by easysocial.

As I have mentioned, I'll test your site again tomorrow about the same time. If you want it working and me fixing everything, just make sure by that time

  1. Site is in working state.
  2. There is login form on frontend.
  3. I can access Emerald cpanel under admin acount you've provided from frontend.

If I stack again, it will just extend to another day of reporting here and waiting another time.

Total posts: 13,748
30 Oct 2016 03:44

Look I stack again. I have a fatal error at login on frontend. Whatever I do it always redirectd me to ES dashboard. And it creates an error.

Please fix all errors on your site. Make it workable version withought Emerald, and then in 10 minuts I'll install and configure emerald for you. But unless your site is failing to function on its own, I cannot do much.


Total posts: 13,748
31 Oct 2016 04:01

I reported this issue in Slype to Stackide guys. Here is their answer.

Hi Sergey Romanov, thanks for the report. May i know is your customer using latest version of EasySocial? Also, can you ask your customer to post his issue on our forum so that our support guys will further investigate the issue. thanks.

myBiGPay VIP
Total posts: 33
31 Oct 2016 15:42

Hello Sergey,

Thank you for contacting guys Stackidea. I contacted them since the forum. It seems that the problem is solved. I can connect successfully. I think it's ok. If you have any problem to log in again, send me a message please.

Thank you for your help and understanding.

myBiGPay VIP
Total posts: 33
01 Nov 2016 12:06

Hello Sergey,

Indeed, I have just had confirmation that the Stackidea team solved the problem.

I just tested the connection with the registration form. Everything works.

You can see the configuration Emerald whenever you have a moment please.

Thank you for your help and understanding.

Total posts: 13,748
08 Nov 2016 10:50

In the other topic you have mentioned everything works fine now. Should I test anything or you have managed Emearld to work?

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