05 Dec 2013 01:00

Hi - I would like the subscription to be automatically activated once payment has been received. Why is it not allowing me to do so - I purchase in paypal, then redirect to site. It says: [em]Your subscription was not yet activated of activation failed. Sometimes this may take up to few minutes. Your purchase may be on fraud review or in pending mode. If you believe that everything should be fine with your purchase, and in few minutes, you subscription will not be active, please contact site administration. [/em] How do I fix this?

Last Modified: 17 Mar 2015

Total posts: 13,748
05 Dec 2013 07:21

And another plan was purchased ok? There are 2 the same.

Anyway, you have to make sure IPN is activated in your PayPal account. Also make sure it is activated in plan settings for PayPal.

Sometimes it does not work in sandbox mode.

If you test live, see your IPN history on PayPal account and see what is status of that IPN.

20 Jan 2014 07:58

Thanks Sergey

Total posts: 13,748
20 Jan 2014 08:03

Hey! You are there. That is good.

So is if working fine now?

Do not forget to update to latest version. We have a lot of changes and small fixes. Download and install emerald over. All your settings and changes will be safe.

Also note we release updates every Thursday. Please check back from time to time.

sirajperson VIP
Total posts: 6
30 Jun 2014 18:32

Hey there, Good day.

I am also having trouble with this. I have enabled the IPN settings in paypal, but keep getting the same error. I was interested in this quote:

also make sure it is activated in plan settings for PayPal.

I'm not sure what you mean here. Do I need to make a button for each of my emerald plans?

Also, is there a place that has clear step by step instructions on configuring and setting up plugins, either internal or with the gateway host? I checked the documentation that was available, but there doesnt seem to be any instructions for gate way configuration over at the documentation site.

I'm using emerald 9.259 and paypal plugin paypal 9.23 on joomla 3.3.1.

In paypal do I need to enable api access? If so, do I use signature or certificate? I've been trying to get it to work for a couple of days and have been stuck. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Total posts: 13,748
01 Jul 2014 00:42

sirajperson also make sure it is activated in plan settings for PayPal.

I'm not sure what you mean here. Do I need to make a button for each of my emerald plans?

It was there before but now it is automatic.

sirajperson Also, is there a place that has clear step by step instructions on configuring and setting up plugins, either internal or with the gateway host? I checked the documentation that was available, but there doesnt seem to be any instructions for gate way configuration over at the documentation site.

There is no instruction because there is nothing to configure. When you create plan it is obvious you have to enter your PP email. And enother required parameter is to enable IPN in PP acount.

sirajperson In paypal do I need to enable api access?

No need for API access. We use off-site method and no addaptive payments.

sirajperson Any help would be greatly appreciated

The next step you can take is to look into your IPN history and see what IPNs was sent to your site. Copy those URLs and try to open them in a browser and see if there is an error.

But before enable debug mode and error reporting to max in your global Joomla configuration.

sirajperson VIP
Total posts: 6
03 Jul 2014 14:20

Good morning Sergey. I'd like to begin by thanking you for your timely reply. It has been a couple of days and I have been trying to get the automatic activation to work with no avail. I have reviewed the IPN history and almost thought I found where the issue was, but even after trying things a different way it didn't work. So I'm stumped again.

I noticed that the return URL was using http, and my site is full SSL https. I tried updating the settings and removing full site SSL, but the IPN notifications still seem to be failing.

When I open the URL a plain white page is displayed with not text.

The IPN status is labelled as 'Retrying'.

I also cannot get the return URL to be an SSL protection URL.

I am not sure if this is of any importance, but the payments are trying to set up re-occuring billing. The option is in the gateway configuration.

Again, thank you for any help that you can provide. Please let me know if there is any information I can provide you to try and figure out why the notifcations are not updating the subscription manager. Thank you in advance.

sirajperson VIP
Total posts: 6
03 Jul 2014 16:37

Okay, I finally have an error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init() in /home/webusr/public_html/components/com_emerald/library/gateways/paypal/paypal.php on line 171

sirajperson VIP
Total posts: 6
03 Jul 2014 16:48

Okay, It looks like I resolved the bug. The paypal gatway requires that php5-curl be installed. I solved the issue by doing the following:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install php5-curl
sudo service apache2 restart

I hope this helps, and saves someone a little time. :-)

Total posts: 13,748
04 Jul 2014 00:40


sirajperson VIP
Total posts: 6
18 Aug 2014 00:35

Hi Sergey. I'm having trouble with IPN. Payments are not activating the accounts on my site.

Total posts: 13,748
18 Aug 2014 04:41

Activating user accounts or subscriptions? If second, enable log for paypal and see what is in the log in /logs/paypal.txt.

sirajperson VIP
Total posts: 6
19 Aug 2014 08:49

Thanks for the reply. I am getting allot of entries like this:

Start check PayPal:
send CURL confirm:
transaction verification invalid:INVALID
PayPal: Verification failed:Array

and PayPal is sending me emails with the following:

From: "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. document.getElementById('cloak987fe4f6135caafd5976250e83ddb876').innerHTML = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addy987fe4f6135caafd5976250e83ddb876 = 'user' + '@'; addy987fe4f6135caafd5976250e83ddb876 = addy987fe4f6135caafd5976250e83ddb876 + 'paypal' + '.' + 'com'; var addy_text987fe4f6135caafd5976250e83ddb876 = 'user' + '@' + 'paypal' + '.' + 'com';document.getElementById('cloak987fe4f6135caafd5976250e83ddb876').innerHTML += ''+addy_text987fe4f6135caafd5976250e83ddb876+''; " Date: August 6, 2014 at 1:18:01 AM GMT-4 To: PayPal User Subject: PayPal Instant Payment Notification Warning

Hello PayPal User,

Please check your server that handles PayPal Instant Payment Notifications (IPN). IPNs sent to the following URL(s) are failing: ;Itemid=1&processor=paypal&em_id=18 ;Itemid=1&processor=paypal&em_id=45 ;Itemid=1&processor=paypal&em_id=19 ;Itemid=1&processor=paypal&em_id=16

If you do not recognize this URL, you may be using a service provider that is using IPN on your behalf. Please contact your service provider with the above information. If this problem continues, IPNs may be disabled for your account.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this issue.

Thanks, PayPal


NEVER give your password to anyone, including PayPal employees. Protect yourself against fraudulent websites by opening a new web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer or Firefox) and typing in the PayPal URL every time you log in to your account.

Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and click the Help link in the top right corner of any PayPal page.

Total posts: 13,748
20 Aug 2014 11:20

Thsi is strange. What happens if you insert that URL into browser?

Is it exactly what you have in the log you cated someinformation off? Can you give me log URL?

Total posts: 70
13 Mar 2015 00:30


I hope you can help. I am getting this message as well:Your subscription was not yet activated of activation failed. Sometimes this may take up to few minutes. Your purchase may be on fraud review or in pending mode. If you believe that everything should be fine with your purchase, and in few minutes, you subscription will not be active, please contact site administration. I am using 2CO and Paypal, and have set up the return to my site in their as well as through emerald. Both are giving message that the subscrption is not activated

I want the return url to activate on my site: ;view=article&id=129&Itemid=1346, instead I'm being directed back to: \n\n ;view=emhistory&Itemid=1

It's not happening. Also, when I log in as admin. I see this alert: "Waits for manual activation, This is list of subscriptions that was not activated. It might have been offline payment. Or gateway confirmation failed. Anyway as soon as you confirm the payment you may activate subscription here".

I can give you the admin sign in to check my settings.

D. Ashley

Total posts: 13,748
13 Mar 2015 04:16
  • Make sure IPN is activated in PayPal.
  • Make sure you configured INS in 2co as in description of 2co gateway.
  • Make sure your site is not protected with passport or firewall and open to be accessed from outside world without problem.

zanni I want the return url to activate on my site: ;view=article&id=129&Itemid=1346, instead I'm being directed back to

In the latest Emerald you will find different URL parameters in the plan to redirect. The manual redirect URL is called Success redirect URL. But your trunsactions are not considered as successfull. So fo that we have separate parameter now.

Total posts: 13,748
17 Mar 2015 06:11

I know that 2co is forking now. I had one success transaction yesterday.

FOr Paypal. please copy/paste IPN message and Nnotification URL here.

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