26 Nov 2013 22:04

Am I able to configure custom fields to collect additional data with each individual subscription made?

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Total posts: 13,748
27 Nov 2013 05:00

Pardon? Collect during subscription? Like what additional data?

27 Nov 2013 23:22

yes, collect during subscription data.

Like another name, date of birth, select from a dropdown, etc

Total posts: 13,748
28 Nov 2013 00:41

This sounds more like registration additional data not subscription.

In emerald registration and subscriptions are separated. Emerald does not register users. And this is exactly the reason why. So you can use any other registration extension like Community builder, JomSocial, ...

28 Nov 2013 12:05

No, that's not what I'm looking for.

I need the user's information separately, and attached to their Joomla or CB account, whatever.

Then with each individual subscription they make (even if to the same item) I need to collect another separate set of information that includes what I described above and some more.

Total posts: 13,748
29 Nov 2013 04:59

Hmm... I afraid there is nothing like that in Emerald.

01 Dec 2013 15:07

Alright, thanks Sergey.

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