16 Feb 2017 16:05


I am wondering about the following. I use Easy Social and have Hikashop set up. There is some Easy Social & Hikashop integration happening here:

And more recently here:

Could I sell a product “ABC” in Hika Shop lets just call it “Group ABC Subscription” And then use Emerald

to put some one who has purchased this product into an Easy Social Group called “Group ABC”

I hope this is clear what I am trying to ask!



Last Modified: 02 Mar 2017

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
18 Feb 2017 01:09

Hello Paul, probably the answer is "Yes". There is a free Emerald Action, which changes the EasySocial Profile Type. (link)

But It sounds like you don't really need Emerald and Subscriptions in your setup, right!? I have a feeling that this is a bit overload and complicated. If I understand your initial question, you just want to sell a certain product, and this would assign the buyer to a certain Profile type…

Isn't there anything in EasySocial or Hikashop which solves this issue? Maybe nothing "build-in", but a technical basis for a plugin/addon that does the same job directly. Did you ask in Hikashop and EasySocial support forum?

Total posts: 13,748
19 Feb 2017 03:48

Yes, I confirm whar paperstreet have said. You can use that action to assign ES group to user. Also you can use Hikashop action to assign plan to product ot products.

19 Feb 2017 08:46

Hi guys

Thanks for the replies and the links. Yes what I am proposing here is probably overkill. I like to over think things ;-) And am also just trying to asses all the options. I need to get this in a simpler form working first… All the best Paul.

19 Feb 2017 08:48

PS: There is also this which I think could be a big help:

Total posts: 13,748
21 Feb 2017 04:03

Guest PS: There is also this which I think could be a big help:

how do you see this integrated with emerald?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
23 Feb 2017 01:12


Guest PS: There is also this which I think could be a big help:

how do you see this integrated with emerald?

I believe, this could be a technical idea and basis for a direct solution between hikashop/easysocial profile…
without Emerald.

Total posts: 13,748
01 Mar 2017 07:07

pepperstreet without Emerald.

Then it is easy to do with Hikashop plugin system. Nikolas is very responsive. I think he can make it very quick.

02 Mar 2017 17:40

Hi Guys

Sorry for the slow response. There is a lot of food for thought in here. And yes Emerald is probably overkill. But maybe some day! In the mean time I will try...

a) Hikashop actions b) Profile unlocker

My current set up involves: Joomla with Stackideas Easy Social + Moodle + Joomdle + Hika Shop... It keeps breaking every time I update some thing. Way too complicated.

Stackideas are rock solid and so far Nikolas has also been rock solid.



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