18 Feb 2013 02:22

I experience an issue on your notifications service.

When I entered your website, I noticed the number 2 with red background on my account, which told me, that I had 2 notifications waiting for me.

After clicking on that line, I entered my accoun's notifications page. But it was empty - blank white page. No notification. :(

Browser: Safari 6.0.2 / Mac OSX 10.8.2

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Total posts: 13,748
18 Feb 2013 06:43

This is not 2 this is only icon. It does not show number this icon about what it means. Even if you have 20 notifications this icon will always show 2. :)

But I do agree it is bit confusing. :)

By the way if you want to get those notifications, follow download articles or blog posts.

19 Feb 2013 01:14

But I do agree it is bit confusing.

it is indeed!

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