01 Oct 2013 10:22

How do I add more than one address to a google map. I would like multiple markers on the same map. For example, I'd like to show the office address and home address. The user will need to be able to enter both addresses, but I would like them displayed on the same map. Is this possible?

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

01 Oct 2013 10:24

Oops, I meant this question for Cobalt 8. I'm not sure how to move the question to that board.

Total posts: 13,748
02 Oct 2013 00:04

It is ok. Let it be here.

You can add 2 geo field to the article but Cobalt cannot show 2 markers on the list map template for single article.

18 Oct 2013 01:12

Hi Sergey,

Can this be done in a category list page though? - using GEO field lat lng info from each record in the categories list?

Total posts: 13,748
18 Oct 2013 01:44

When you navigate through categories map will show only articles in those categories.

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