26 Aug 2014 17:21


when i do a filter in record list (Advanced search options ) appears the message with the name of filter and the value.

I want to delete the reindexing when i click on the X to 'delete filter'.

I want to delete the filter but leave the users in the same page.

Thanks Luca

Last Modified: 08 Oct 2014

Total posts: 13,748
26 Aug 2014 23:50

Guest I want to delete the reindexing when i click on the X to 'delete filter'.

I want to delete the filter but leave the users in the same page.

But user have to stay on the same page. Can you show links where user stay and where he is redirected?

27 Aug 2014 11:53


i have asked this problem becouse i have create some unique url to display record for any city (es: url 'filter-toronto' display records of toronto). It works.

I have modified the form to search the name of a record and now it search records in the specific page where the user is.

But when i delete the filter with a click on 'X' button the page refresh to the general section list page when i want that the user remains in the same page es: 'filter-toronto' .

How can this?

Total posts: 13,748
28 Aug 2014 13:33

Unfortunately user may close any filter. There is not paramter to make filter permanent. Only create pre-filtered URL but any time user may close that filter.

20 Sep 2014 15:40

OK! Thanks.

Another question:

i have created specific pages on my site where are displayed the records based on a value of a specific field.

'cobaltsection/filter-country1' ect

It works but i want to create a specific menu item for this filter records becouse i have two languages on site and falang doesn't work with the external link menu item.

So how can i do this to have a correct translation of filter pages with a specific menu item for the filter?

Thanks Luca

Total posts: 13,748
21 Sep 2014 03:48

First please read this

There are different approaches for site translationa тв it really depends on what you are going to use.

21 Sep 2014 12:17


i have read the guide and i have installed the falang plugin for cobalt 8.

How can i insert in falang translation my specific url sef that i set up in the router file?

In router.php i have inserted in 'function CobaltParseRoute($segments){' the written case JText::_(SEF_FILTER_COUNTRY1).

So cobalt now have a specific link for the filter records about a country.

But How can i insert those on falang translation to have a correct translation of filter?

So i asked you about a specific menu item type to this.

There is another way to do this?

Thanks luca

Total posts: 13,748
22 Sep 2014 01:54

Guest How can i insert in falang translation my specific url sef that i set up in the router file?

I do not think falang can manage SEF URLs. And If you use mirror translation where ID of the article stays the same, then alias is always will be the same.

Guest In router.php i have inserted in 'function CobaltParseRoute($segments){' the written case JText::_(SEF_FILTER_COUNTRY1).

So cobalt now have a specific link for the filter records about a country.

Not that simple. This is sort of decode of URLs. Where you encode that URL into SEF?

Guest But How can i insert those on falang translation to have a correct translation of filter?

Ther are so many places where filters may be translated. PLease make a scrinshot where you what to translate them so I can clearly see.

So i asked you about a specific menu item type to this.

Could not anderstand for what? For SEF_FILTER_COUNTRY1 you have just created?

There is another way to do this?

Yes, paralel translation.

Total posts: 13,748
08 Oct 2014 01:08

luca90 When you try to change language falang reindexing on the general page of records and not in the 'RECORDS COUNTRY 1 english'.

I cannot get it. You what reindex FULLTEXT seaerch index when language changed?

luca90 Another method is to use the categories for any country. But how can i able the users to select two o more categories?

Select where? In search? There is category filter. User may select few categories at once.

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