23 Jul 2014 22:14


i have a problem if a guest of my site use the submit form to insert a record.

If i click on 'apply' botton it doesn't work. With the firefox console i find a jquery error 'TypeError: jQuery(...).offset(...) is undefined'.

Can i resolve this problem??

Last Modified: 27 Jul 2014

Total posts: 13,748
24 Jul 2014 00:14

YOu have to check if jQuery is loaded few times and how it is loaded. And olse in console there have to be a link to error to show exact line. pLease tell where is it located.

Total posts: 13,748
24 Jul 2014 00:15

Of much better provide a link.

Total posts: 13,748
24 Jul 2014 08:30


the error in console is TypeError: jQuery(...).offset(...) is undefined.

This error is in jquery code of page 'views\form\tmpl\default.php'

This is some code where is the error.

jQuery('html, body')
        scrollTop: jQuery("#field-alert-"+firsterror).offset().top
    }, 500, function(){

I have this error only if a guest insert a record.

Total posts: 13,748
24 Jul 2014 09:42

Do you have custom form template?

24 Jul 2014 15:18


to solve the problem i have tried to set up the original template but the error also there is.

Total posts: 13,748
25 Jul 2014 02:18

Give me the link and more details how to reproduce?

27 Jul 2014 11:53


the jquery error is gone.

Peraphs there was any error in other file of Cobalt. I don't know.

But already works. If i have any problem i write in this post.


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