16 Feb 2014 13:02


The gallary images are not showing properly on frontend. I have attached the screenshot. You can see extra space on right hand side of the image. Is there anyway, we can fit the image within the boundary without any extra space?

Last Modified: 25 Nov 2014

Total posts: 1,113
17 Feb 2014 00:04

You can try change gallery settings width or picture resize method to fill all area with image.

17 Feb 2014 03:47

I tried that way, but it stills has the issue. I guess if I am doing something wrong, so can you please send me the screenshot where I need ti change these settings?

Total posts: 13,748
18 Feb 2014 07:00

Try to use template or change resize mode to crop for Fulll View Image and stratch if smaller yes.

18 Feb 2014 12:22

I tried that. But the problem is not with the image and it size, but the outer box which is not changing. is there any config to change the width of the outer box. The outer box remains stretched and occupy fully on the space. How can I reduce it?

Total posts: 13,748
18 Feb 2014 23:36

Those gallery templates are

You can see their parameters and change field output template accordingly.

brianpat VIP
Total posts: 211
15 Oct 2014 11:06


I have exactly same issue here. I tried all possible ways as mentioned here, but no luck. Can sergey help on this?

Total posts: 13,748
15 Oct 2014 12:12

Show screenshot or give a link to see.

brianpat VIP
Total posts: 211
15 Oct 2014 12:58

Sergey Show screenshot or give a link to see.

screenshots attached image70

Total posts: 13,748
16 Oct 2014 01:51

Unfortunately yes, this slider acts like this. Try to edit CSS and change container width from 100% to something it adapts to bicture width.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
24 Nov 2014 22:06

CSS workarounds and suggestions

If your page content area is wider than the largest slider image:

  • Stretch image to 100%, too. Image fills whole slider. Image might be cropped in height!
.bx-wrapper img {
width: 100%;
  • Or the other direction... keep images in max size, and restrict the sliders max width. Either to a percentage:
div.bx-wrapper {
max-width: 75%; 

or the max pixel width of your largest image. Or the largest main content area!

div.bx-wrapper {
max-width: 720px; 

brianpat VIP
Total posts: 211
25 Nov 2014 10:56

thanks, which file is this need to be changed in?

Total posts: 1,113
25 Nov 2014 11:29

Here: components/com_cobalt/fields/gallery/bxslider/jquery.bxslider.css

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
25 Nov 2014 11:57

brianpat thanks, which file is this need to be changed in?> Konstantin

Konstantin Here: components/com_cobalt/fields/gallery/bxslider/jquery.bxslider.css

Check the loading order of all CSS files in your site. I would suggest not to alter and change the original bxslider CSS file. Always try to override the rules in your site template CSS, or in a CUSTOM.CSS file. Just make sure it loads after bxslider.CSS file.

So, you are save on Cobalt/Field updates.

If you need different Sliders and image behavior in multiple site locations, you should combine those CSS classes with extra classes like:

  • Gallery field CSS "custom class" in field parameters
  • or Joomla! PageClassSuffix for the respective MenuItem
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