11 Feb 2014 04:11

Hi Forum,

RSS Feed does not work, if I click on button a new window opens and this window is blank. Any idea how to solve this problem.

Warm regards Bernhard

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Total posts: 1,113
11 Feb 2014 05:45

What button you mean? If open page throw browser "Subscribe this page" all work fine.

11 Feb 2014 10:25


when you open a blog post you can add a comment and there is a button "Comments RSS Feed" right above. This button I mean - see screenshot.

And the URL (when you click) of the blank site is:

Regards Bernhard

Total posts: 1,113
12 Feb 2014 02:16

Fixed. Will be in the next release.

12 Feb 2014 03:35

This RSS thng never gets displayed on my frontend. May be I will try after next release. Is there any tutorial on it?

Total posts: 13,748
13 Feb 2014 02:12

Is there any tutorial on it?

Tutorial on what in particular?

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