17 Jan 2014 04:43

Currently I am facing a problem after upgrading to latest Cobalt. I had some customised records template for frontend which is not working with the latest Cobalt. I had also two functionality embedded into this template. These three functionalities were written by a freelancer that provides two functionality as Booking Appointments, Multi Select records and send mail

Now I am struggling to find what went wrong and why the page is broken. I have attached the template here. Would you please look at this? Here is also admin detail of my site. Currently on the site I have used the latest Cobalt default template.

Expected results should be as below:

But the results are shown as below:

with error message as :

Warning: urlencode() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/realtyco/public_html/dev1/components/com_cobalt/library/php/helpers/filter.php on line 28

Customm template name and Location is:


Location is: components/cobalt/view/records/tmpl/default_list_table.php

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Total posts: 13,748
17 Jan 2014 08:15
  1. Custom templates should be first renamed so it is not overridden on iupdate.

  2. In your template in line 694 you have


But our model have no such a method. It looks like developers who worked on your project hacked Cobalt model and it was replaced on update. This is not good practice to change any core cobalt files. All changes should be done in template. Then it is safe on update.

17 Jan 2014 08:26

Hi Sergey,

You are right. I think he changed core cobalt files. But now I don't know what to do with it. He developed an appointment component and integrated with cobalt perhaps.

What I wanted to achieve is:

People will publish their available appointment time in their record

Public will book the time

email will be sent to record owner whether to accept or reject

record owner will accept or reject in another UI

after that the time will be booked

it was lots of work that he did, but now my hard part is when i upgrade to latest cobalt

Now I have no idea what i need to do.

Some clarification, when you say hacked Cobalt model and it was replaced on update, what files do u think he hacked. I think he did some changes in datetime field.


pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
17 Jan 2014 10:29

Now I have no idea what i need to do.


Some clarification, when you say hacked Cobalt model and it was replaced on update, what files do u think he hacked. I think he did some changes in datetime field.

This is definitely NO task for MintJoomla support. Please, ask your freelance developer for details about his work and customizations. That person is to blame! He has to deliver a working update, or at least detailed documentation and infos about his modifications! If he can`t or is not willing to do so… he is a lame freelancer. Ask him to fix the problem as soon as possible and then get rid of him.

PS: If the work was a really cheap 3rd-party offer for "some bucks". You can´t really expect responsible work and good service, IMHO. Hard to blame anyone in such a case. If this was a fairly high priced custom work, you should get a smart and update savvy solution. Not a guaranty, but you can insist on quality, and demand a free revision.

17 Jan 2014 15:49

Sergey, I agree with you. Finally I found the problem and fixed it. Thanks for ur help.

Total posts: 13,748
19 Jan 2014 23:15

Have you been able to fix it so that it is safe on next update?

Total posts: 13,748
20 Jan 2014 04:06

My question was: did you fix the way that you will be able to update next time without data lose?

20 Jan 2014 04:19

Sergey, I am giving it to another freelancer who will fix it.

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