17 Nov 2013 22:52

Currently the advanced search is displayed in the section heading area (area controlled by the markup template).

We are using a search/filter module and would like to have a link to the advanced search there that loads a different page/ loads a central area on the section page.

Is this possible and there is just a setting/area we have missed?


Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
18 Nov 2013 04:00

We are using a search/filter module and would like to have a link to the advanced search there that loads a different page/ loads a central area on the section page.

Not sure if I got your idea... a link/button in search module that leads to your section? So, your module displays different filters than your regular filters above the section?

There was a similar question. Please, see my two last comments over here...

Total posts: 13,748
18 Nov 2013 08:23

There is no filters page in Cobalt. The only way to achieve what you want is to create separate menu link, set filter module for it. Change module template to be displayed not like a column but like a page. And turn off filers in section parameters markup template parameters.

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