06 Feb 2014 10:33

on my site textarea field does not respect the size I set in field configuration

I set it as above, but in input form (protostar joomla default template)

I see it like this

I tried adding

field_10 {min-height: 200px;}

in form template custom css, this corrects the issue, but then the textarea overlap the tags input box like this

thank you

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Total posts: 13,748
07 Feb 2014 00:26

I cannot find login form anywhere on frontend.

And why do you need textarea height? It is growing textarea and it will be higher if there is text more than one line. Recently we hanged growing script because old one was causing lags. And new one do not have min-height parameters. I forgot to delete it in field parameters.

07 Feb 2014 07:30

ah, ok than was not a bug.

I thought that for usability it was bettere if the textarea had a little bit of height so the

user understands that the main text go there with a glance, and that that is not just a text box

but no problem, I can keep it like it is

but if i disable "grow enable" parameter what will happen?

Total posts: 13,748
10 Feb 2014 01:50

Another parameter should apply. There is another height parameter

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