17 Oct 2013 19:41

Hi Sergey,

I just need to be able to render custom markers in a google map, in a module at the top of a "Companies" list (Multiple records in a company)

The client also wants to have different Markers based on 3 different options selected in the same company record..

I would like to know if this is already available in a module, and if not what would be the best practice way of achieving it in a custom module



Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
17 Oct 2013 21:13


you can accomplish this already, even without using a module.

  • Create a folder under /components/com_cobalt/fields/geo/markers/ and copy your custom markers there.

  • In your Geo field, under the "Google Map Input" section select your folder in the "Icons set source folder". Once selected, your customized icons should display there ...

  • Go to your "Companies" section and select the map template as your list template.

  • In the map list template, select your "Companies" list template under the "List Elements" section and set the parameters accordingly.

Total posts: 13,748
21 Oct 2013 02:18

Unfortunately there is no marker based on other article options. uSer will have to select it. The only way to change it is to hack map template.

23 Oct 2013 01:20

Hi Folks, Got it working thanks to your excellent instructions and I will code the template to handle markers based on Categories.. Thanks!

Total posts: 13,748
24 Oct 2013 09:58

Perfect! let us know what you did when you finish, I would like to have a look on what you did.

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