24 May 2013 03:33

I read everything on knoweledgebase (but I could have missed something on this forum)

anyway, I noticed a couple of problems after using "external url" to set all my menu items pointing to a cobalt category

1 - i don't understand how I can make the joomla menu active item be highlighetd if it's an "external ul", joomla doesn't recognize it as an internal utl thus it doesn't highlight it when that page is being visited

2- I don't understand how I cna publish a module only on a cobalt category page, in module management page when I choose the pages where to show a module I see a "no access" icon near to those menu items which are set as "external url",

and infact if I try to publish a module in those pages it doesn't work

probably I could solve thsi last issue by using advanced module manager by and set to display a module only for a certain site url... but I wanted to know if I am missing something else here

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

24 May 2013 03:59

Total posts: 13,748
24 May 2013 06:41

Right now there is no category links with individual itemID. it is a limitation of Cobalt. It was not intended that Cobalt category links inserted into menu. Or even if inserted only as subelements of section menu and without need for individual modules one every category.

We will try to add this features if we can. It is hard to make because it will require users to understand what they are doing otherwise it will lead to double content URLs on the site.

24 May 2013 07:26

I guess for now the best solution would be to create different cobalt sections for each menu item you want in the site main menu

I thought a structure like








would be better and more easy to manage

maybe I should instead do something like







maybe the problem is just that I am trying to build sites using ONLY cobalt, even for those areas where joomla default pages could do the work

so doing this it's obvious that I will end up creating main menu items using cobalt categories

Total posts: 13,748
24 May 2013 07:31

I guess for now the best solution would be to create different cobalt sections for each menu item you want in the site main menu

That depends. If you want to search through all of them then not. You know that advanced search only in one section. So there is dilemma and it depends but I would not base section structure only because of menu preferences.

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