I ahve a records title in my homepage here ~sarteano/it/
I just noticed that if clicking one of the displaied record titles the record is being opened in the site homepage, while I should be redirected to the record
this module is latest version; I have Cobalt 8.96
the code whcih is generating the clickable titles is the below one
<?php if($params->get('tmpl_core.item_title')):?>
<?php if(in_array($params->get('tmpl_core.item_link'), $obj->user->getAuthorisedViewLevels())):?>
<a <?php echo $item->nofollow ? 'rel="nofollow"' : '';?> href="/<?php echo JRoute::_($item->url);?>">
<?php echo $item->title?>
<?php else :?>
<?php echo $item->title?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php echo CEventsHelper::showNum('record', $item->id);?>
I ahve a records title in my homepage here ~sarteano/it/
I just noticed that if clicking one of the displaied record titles the record is being opened in the site homepage, while I should be redirected to the record
this module is latest version; I have Cobalt 8.96
the code whcih is generating the clickable titles is the below one