i have created a category using "blog" template
in both list and full view I see a white empty space on the left ~sarteano/index.php?option=com_cobalt&view=records§ion_id=3:strutture&Itemid=146 ~sarteano/crea-nuova-pagina-standard/item/3-titolo-pagina-standard
How can I get rid of that? In resources I remember a setting like "align field to table : yes/no"
I understand that Cobalt is tableless and completely rewritten... is the only solution to create a completely custom template?
Thank you
i have created a category using "blog" template
in both list and full view I see a white empty space on the left ~sarteano/index.php?option=com_cobalt&view=records§ion_id=3:strutture&Itemid=146 ~sarteano/crea-nuova-pagina-standard/item/3-titolo-pagina-standard
How can I get rid of that? In resources I remember a setting like "align field to table : yes/no"
I understand that Cobalt is tableless and completely rewritten... is the only solution to create a completely custom template?
Thank you