02 May 2013 08:04


I wanted to duplicate a type and mantain also all the associated fields in the copied type... but only the type has been copied, with no fields.

Is there a way to do it?

Last Modified: 28 Mar 2014

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
02 May 2013 22:05

As of Cobalt 8, it does not support this behaviour. Copying a TYPE with associated fields might get quite complicated, just think of the relation field...

03 May 2013 03:03

mhhh... yes, but if I understand I cannot even copy one field and associate it with a different type...

it would be useful to maintain all the field settings quickly

Sackgesicht VIP
Total posts: 1,636
03 May 2013 03:27

you might be able to do it through phpMyAdmin or any other similar tool.

But this will require some understanding of the individual columns in the respective database table and is therefore not a recommended practice.

03 May 2013 03:30

mhhh... definitely not, it would be less time consuming for me to create a new field and configure it again

(but that feature would be useful though)

stblink VIP
Total posts: 501
03 May 2013 12:34

niccolo i had the same problem then you...

The only "safe" fix i found was to have 2 admin windows opened and creating fields/checking same options for every field... it's a pain but as long as it's possible it works.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
03 May 2013 19:58

Agree, should be a standard build-in feature.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
09 Aug 2013 19:21

Any news on this?

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
19 Oct 2013 06:46


Please, turn this into an idea/feature request. Thanks in advance!


An overdue must-have for sure!

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
19 Oct 2013 07:09

As of Cobalt 8, it does not support this behaviour.

Frankly, this should have been a basic feature since C7 stable. Quite a long time ago.

As of Cobalt 8, it does not support this behaviour.

Copying a TYPE with associated fields might get quite complicated, just think of the relation field...

Even if relation fields keep old/wrong connections... it would not break the copy function. The main purpose is to save set-up time. I would have to adjust section and submission settings anyway. So, it is not a big deal to adjust relation field params manually, IMHO. Or do I miss something important?

It can't and it should not result in a 100% working type. I guess, this is impossible without a "wizard" that asks for new section(s) and parses relation-field parameters... etc. But that is not the (main) purpose of this feature.

Some thoughts:

A.) From UX point of view and J! UI, it would make sense to have a copy button in toolbar.

B.) A more hidden alternative could be a Cobalt PACKER option: Something that turns off the current UPDATE method, and turns it into an ADD feature... if i install a pack, than create NEW ID#s for everything... (too much potential for problems?)

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
19 Oct 2013 07:20

I cannot even copy one field and associate it with a different type...

it would be useful to maintain all the field settings quickly

Must-have #2 ! Copy single fields in current type.

BTW, didn´t Resources have a Move! & Copy action to other types? ;-)

golfads VIP
Total posts: 216
23 Dec 2013 00:30

Just come across this topic and guess I could also contribute to it :)

In fact, they will help very much, multi-language websites using the default language feature of Joomla will need that very much, look in our case right now, we have created nearly 8 types for the English version with all their fields and sections, now, to make these types available in the French version, we need to create again the same 8 types, fields and sections and translate their contents!

If this was possible to copy types, we'll have just to copy them, translate and configure fields (where applicable) as per the newly created type and language!

I definitely support this idea and hope we could find it operational in a future release of Cobalt 8.

snooky147 VIP
Total posts: 19
27 Mar 2014 14:42

Hi, I think this feature will be amazing as it takes so long to create and param Types with fields and their section, their templates, and so on ...

You should really think about it ...


golfads VIP
Total posts: 216
27 Mar 2014 15:57

Hi @snooky147

Thanks for supporting this topic, I guess that @sergey has already take note about this issue and that he might be thinking about a way to make this possible in future release.

However, I have also came to the point that there are currently some reported bugs that need to be resolve before they can think about adding new features! Cobalt is an awesome CCK extension that is far better than all other available extensions, however, I think, we need to be patient with the development team as they are doing a very good job here, even support is awesome.

I think, that the best thing we can do so far is to test Cobalt deeply and help them to reproduce any bug, report it and help them to solve these bugs, once bugs are solved, then they will be able to target new features.

Making a simple analysis about other CCK, I am not telling they they are not good, but just saying Cobalt support is better, K2 is non commercial and support is 'very slow', ZOO is commercial but based on their forum, there is basically no support at all, Seblod is good also in support (within 24 to 35 hours), however, Seblod is a very complicated CCK extension, FlexiContent also offers very good community support, similar to Cobalt but they lack of some features and templating, Content Builder is good as well, but support is quite slow.

Hence, based on these main CCK extension for Joomla, Cobalt is definitely the best both in terms of features and support, so, let's be a bit patient and help the cobalt community to meet our expectations!

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
27 Mar 2014 16:23

pepperstreet Must-have #2 ! Copy single fields in current type.

BTW, didn´t ME Resources have a Move! & Copy action to other types? ;-)

Things that would make me go "Mmmh". ;-)

brianpat VIP
Total posts: 211
27 Mar 2014 22:07

golfads Hi @snooky147

Thanks for supporting this topic, I guess that @sergey has already take note about this issue and that he might be thinking about a way to make this possible in future release.

However, I have also came to the point that there are currently some reported bugs that need to be resolve before they can think about adding new features! Cobalt is an awesome CCK extension that is far better than all other available extensions, however, I think, we need to be patient with the development team as they are doing a very good job here, even support is awesome.

I think, that the best thing we can do so far is to test Cobalt deeply and help them to reproduce any bug, report it and help them to solve these bugs, once bugs are solved, then they will be able to target new features.

Making a simple analysis about other CCK, I am not telling they they are not good, but just saying Cobalt support is better, K2 is non commercial and support is 'very slow', ZOO is commercial but based on their forum, there is basically no support at all, Seblod is good also in support (within 24 to 35 hours), however, Seblod is a very complicated CCK extension, FlexiContent also offers very good community support, similar to Cobalt but they lack of some features and templating, Content Builder is good as well, but support is quite slow.

Hence, based on these main CCK extension for Joomla, Cobalt is definitely the best both in terms of features and support, so, let's be a bit patient and help the cobalt community to meet our expectations!

I agree on most of the points. Overall, cobalt is the best and this is the reason why I am sticking to it. I have hardly seen any No answer from Sergey for any request you make. The reply to any question is always <24 hours, in most cases it is actually even <8hrs

Total posts: 13,748
28 Mar 2014 05:09

Hey, this is pleasure to read people :)

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