08 Apr 2013 02:23

Hi Sergey,

is it possible to filter records by day, month and year?

For example:

  • Display all records made on Friday

  • Display all records made in August

  • Display all records made in 2012

In terms of usability, date search/filtering should be as simple as possible. Although Cobalt 8 provides one of the most comprehensive date (range) filtering, the process involves too many clicks and is limited to calendar selections only.

A solution (I guess) would be to enhance the current date field and choose to add filters by day, month and/or year.

Right now it is possible to select a date in record or list view, but the results are limited to the exact date. Selecting day month and year separately, would be more interesting for data mining purposes.

Another solution would be to enhance the Alpha Index and add seperate bars for days(monday-sunday), months (jan-dec) and years (range)

Best regards,


Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

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