19 Feb 2013 07:43


i have are question about related field.

The following related structure is work??

if i have three content type, content type A have one related field x is link to content type B related field y and content type A have one related field x link to content type C related field z at the same time.

thank you

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

Total posts: 13,748
20 Feb 2013 06:51

Yes you can do that. But you will not be able to see in the list third level. Only second level relation.

20 Feb 2013 07:41


I can't get your meaning...sorry

can tell me again and cleanfully?


20 Feb 2013 08:40


For my case, I have two section and every section have two type(a,b and c,d), that total four type in two section.

Than I make this two section record related. So user can create type A record and related to type C, or type B record related to type D.

The real life example is different shop like car shop, flower shop in one section, related to they product like car and flower.

If different shop only have one type and all product only one type, the related field is already be handle, but shop and product also have different parameter.

I really need two type by two type or multi by multi relationship

Thank you

Total posts: 13,748
21 Feb 2013 00:45

What i mean if you have 3d level relation. For example you have section a, b and c, A relate to B and B to C. When you see section a in the list of article you can see list of related B articles. But in that list of related B articles you will not see list of related C articles. You will see then only if you are in B section.

Anyway, you have only 2 sections, you will not be affected by this limitation.

21 Feb 2013 02:07


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Total posts: 13,748
22 Feb 2013 02:07

Cobalt is create to complete most complex tasks. But if does not fit your project it simply does not fit.

22 Feb 2013 03:03


if Ipay to get function is OK?


Total posts: 13,748
22 Feb 2013 07:11

Sure, Cobalt is definitely deserve at least to try. And i do believe that if Cobalt cannot do this, there is very little chance that anything else will do it.

22 Feb 2013 08:01


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Total posts: 13,748
26 Feb 2013 07:39

In this case i would suggest to create separate section for every type.

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