30 Jan 2013 11:20

I almost finished my first website with Cobalt8. It all went good and I am very happy to discovered Cobalt, I just want to make my Section Record list nicer. On pic.jpg is my blog template and I want to improve it :

  1. image should be aligned left

  2. too much space between line and text

  3. too much space between image and line

  4. fonts are too big.

I know that you will tell me to read "114-how-to-customize-cobalt-templates.html", but since I am more designer than programmer, I would appreciate any help to find out how to style records (maybe video abot that).

Last Modified: 02 Mar 2014

clowride VIP
Total posts: 1,022
30 Jan 2013 11:45

very easy to change that in template

the power of cobalt is in template

I almost finished my first website with Cobalt8

you are very fast :), cobalt 8 is in beta

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
31 Jan 2013 01:25

You need a basic understanding what is possible with template and field parameters. Some things can be controlled via settings. And general layout can depend on your chosen template (blog, table, adv. table etc.)

If you have played with every parameter and feature of the respective template... and you can't reach your visual goal, you have to dig a little bit deeper:

CSS is the magic word ;-)

Each Cobalt template has its CSS file. It can be found in the same location, right besides the template file. At least, you will need a basic knowledge about CSS positioning, floats, padding and margins.

You can change and alter the cobalt template CSS file,

or add the CSS to your main Joomla template file.

Best way to learn CSS, is to investigate your page output in your browser. I suggest a browser addon like FireBug or Chrome DevTools. Those tools allow a visual investigation. Temporary changes can be seen on-the-fly... Indispensible!!!

01 Feb 2013 01:01

I know a little about CSS anyway, but If I go to com_cobalt>views>records>tmpl only default _markup.* templates .css can be found. Other templates, like: default_list_simple.* have only *.js, *.php, *.xml files. When I try try to control css parameters in Firebug it always point me to bootstrap.min.css. Where can I find missing css files?

Total posts: 13,748
01 Feb 2013 01:29

You can insert any CSS you want into markup template custom CSS parameter. It will override even bootstrap CSS.

pepperstreet VIP
Total posts: 3,837
01 Feb 2013 13:30

templates .css can be found. Other templates, like: default_list_simple.* have only *.js, *.php, *.xml files. When I try try to control css parameters in Firebug it always point me to bootstrap.min.css. Where can I find missing css files?

Oooops, did it change in Cobalt8 dramatically ?!? Sorry, did not think of this "bootstrap-mania". No more loading of CSS files with same naming scheme? Sergey...?!? tse... tse ... I hope this is not a limitation. As I mentioned earlier, bootstrap style is an offer, it should not be a restriction.

Custom parameter in markup template? I will have a look, but i doubt that I am going to be amused / satisfied ;-)

@unknown guest

Anyway, you can always override the style and layout. No matter, if the template points to bootstrap or any other specific CSS file. Just study the used CSS classes etc. and write your own properties in a file that is loaded AFTER the default CSS.

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